chapter 23

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trevor and tori were currently watching top gun maverick. tori's head was resting on trevor's shoulder after much convincing. she didn't want to invade his personal space, but he assured her that it was fine. about halfway through top gun maverick, trevor grabbed the remote and paused the movie. tori was actually fully invested in the movie and was confused when he paused it.

"why did you do that?" tori asked while getting off his shoulder.

trevor was getting anxious. she could see it by the way his leg was bouncing up and down. she gave him a sympathetic look and he answered, "there's something we need to talk about."

"okay, what's up?" tori turned to face him. trevor was looking everywhere but her face.

trevor played with his hands and quietly said, "we need to talk about me and you, us."

tori grabbed his hands to try to relax him. trevor getting anxious was making tori anxious. "what about us?" tori questioned.

this time, trevor made eye contact with tori and explained, "well what are we? or i guess what do you want to be? because this whole just being really good friends thing is driving me crazy. you have no idea how hard it is!"

"well i wouldn't mind if we dated, but i think you're going to have go through quinn first," tori smiled. she began to think for a second, doubt and fear crossed her mind. her smile dropped and she added, "but i don't want to start something if it's not going to work. i don't want to hurt you."

"how could you possibly hurt me? i feel like i would be the one to hurt you," trevor asked.

tori answered, "i don't know, i'm sure i could find a way to screw things up. i just don't want to do something to make you not talk to me ever again. i don't think i could live with that."

trevor grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes while saying, "tori, i promise you could never do something to me that would make me stop talking to. i don't know what's happened with you in the past, but i'm not going to abandon you. i would slap myself if i ever did something to hurt you. i guess what i'm trying to say is if you're willing to give this a shot, then i'm all in. i'm yours."

tori smiled as a tear managed to escape her eye. that was possibly the sweetest thing a guy has ever said to her before. she couldn't believe the guy next to her was real. she leaned over and hugged him. trevor was shocked at first, but quickly wrapped his arms around the girl. he was perfectly content being in tori's embrace.

"i want to try, trevor. i'm just scared," tori started to cry into the crook of his neck.

he rubbed her back as he replied, "i got you! there's no need to cry. everything is going to be okay. would you feel better if i asked quinn for his approval before we continue this conversation?" she nodded her head.

"hey, look at me," trevor whispered. tori lifted her head up to meet trevor's eyes. he wiped the tears away and stared into her eyes. she was so beautiful even when she was crying. his face turned into a smile.

"why are you looking at me like that?" tori asked.

trevor smiled, "you're just so perfect! i have no words!" his eyes kept flickering back between tori's lips and eyes. tori noticed this and started to blush.

"can i kiss you?" trevor sweetly asked. there was something in his voice that made it so tori knew he was a bit nervous. this gave her all the more reason to say yes.

tori could hardly get the words out of her mouth. she breathlessly said, "yes."

before she knew it, trevor slowly started to lean in and she did the same. his lips softly met hers. immediately, she felt fireworks. the kiss was slow and sweet. tori melted right there on the spot from everything she was feeling. if there was ever a doubt she liked trevor, that was completely tossed out the window.

they broke away after a few seconds and tori exclaimed, "wow!" she immediately covered her mouth, embarrassed she had just said that out loud.

"no need to be embarrassed, that was cute and i honestly was thinking the same thing," trevor chuckled. he pushed a piece of tori's hair behind her ear since she was trying to cover her face entirely.

she smiled at him when her hair was removed for her face. "do you think we could do that again?" she giggled.

trevor quickly replied, "absolutely." sure enough, his lips were reattached to hers. it was so gentle and pure. the kiss was innocent and didn't feel rushed once again.

"okay, it's official, i need to talk to quinn immediately. the moment he gives me approval, i'm making you mine," trevor rambled.

"i can't wait!" tori grinned, leaning her head back onto trevor's shoulder. they continued to watch the rest of the movie. tori eventually fell asleep on trevor and he admired her. he knew he needed to make her his girlfriend. it was going to kill him if he didn't. now that he knew her feelings, he could move to the next step.

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