chapter 20

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"tori, i promise i won't crash your date! i was joking! he pissed me off, so i threatened him!" quinn frantically tried telling tori. jack had told tori about the mini fight quinn and trevor got into and tori was not happy about it.

tori replied, "quinn, i love you so much, but sometimes you need to lay off a bit. i appreciate your protectiveness, i really do, but i think i can handle trevor. trust me, if something goes wrong i'll let you know and you can have at him. okay?"

"okay, fine! but you better tell me and cole how this date goes. we're fully invested in this relationship," quinn surrendered. tori smiled as she knew that quinn was going to actually listen to her.

she shooed quinn out of her room so that she could get changed and get ready for her date with trevor. tori was feeling a little nervous about their date. they've hung out before, but labelling it a date was kind of scaring her. she pushed her anxiety and nerves to the side when she saw a text from trevor. he was letting her know that he was ready whenever she was and that he was excited for their date.

tori looked at herself in the mirror and decided that she looked presentable. she walked down the stairs to see trevor and alex watching something on the tv. to make her presence known, she said, "hey guys! what you watching?"

trevor and alex turned their heads to look at tori. they both just stared at her without saying anything. she was starting to feel a bit self-conscious. was what she was wearing too much? alex was the first to speak up, "holy shit! tori what are you doing with a guy like z? you could do better!"

before trevor had the chance to fire back, tori interfered, "i wouldn't talk about what trevor looks like when you look like you haven't showered in about three days." she crossed her arms and quirked an eyebrow.

"you know what? i'm feeling like i'm not wanted here, so i'm just going to dip. y'all have fun though. there better be no baby trevors or toris in the making," alex pointed his finger at both trevor and tori. he then walked away.

"well, i'm not quite sure what that was, but are you ready to go?" trevor asked the brunette. she nodded her head and followed trevor out the door. they weren't taking any cars since everything was in walking distance.

they headed to an ice cream shop first. on the way there, trevor and tori were walking in a comfortable silence. both kept looking at each other and immediately fixing their gaze to the ground. both of their faces were covered in blush.

tori and trevor reached a cute ice cream shop and he opened the front door for her. "after you," he ushered her to go. she smiled and said, "well, why thank you!"

they walked up to the register and started to look at the menu. trevor had been here several times, so he already knew what he wanted. "do you know what you want?" trevor asked. 

tori's eyes scanned the menu one more time before saying, "i think so." he smiled and told her to order first and he would go after her. after each one of them said what they wanted, trevor handed the worker his credit card. tori was fully prepared to pay for her share, but trevor wouldn't let her.

when they got away from the register, she told trevor, "i could have paid for my ice cream, you know."

"guys should always pay for the girl on the first date. it's common courtesy," trevor shrugged. 

tori accepted his answer and decided not to bring it up again. they heard their names being called, so they went up to get their ice cream. once their received their orders, trevor led them to the beach. on the way over, they passed a huge group of people. in order to not lose tori, trevor grabbed her hand. tori was shocked at first but rolled with it. she wasn't going to complain that she was holding hands with a cute guy. 

trevor realized what he had done once they passed the group and dropped her hand. "i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have done that! oh gosh, this is going to be awkward now," he freaked out.

tori smiled, "actually, i didn't mind it." at those words, trevor interlocked their hands again. they walked the rest of the way like this. trevor spotted an open bench and decided this was a good place to eat their ice cream. 

"i have some questions for you," trevor blurted out as they sat on the bench.

"okay, shoot!"

trevor asked, "two things. first, why i have never seen you before this summer? secondly, why come now if you've known them for year?" to be fair, those were legit questions. 

"well, since they moved here to michigan, i haven't really had time to leave toronto. i was busy during the summer working and then covid hit. my parents didn't really want me traveling a lot because of it. this is the first summer they've been chill with everything. i think they also understand how much i've missed the hughes family, so that's why i'm here," tori explained. 

trevor nodded his head and asked another question, "so have you and quinn always been that close like brother and sister?"

"pretty much, yeah. he definitely got a lot more protective when we entered middle school and he kinda took on that older brother role. he's always been the person i've gone to if i had any problems," tori answered. 

"what about luke and jack?" 

tori momentarily froze. it happened so fast that she didn't think trevor caught it. she did not want to bring up the whole jack thing, not on the first date at least. "oh, i mean luke has always been a younger brother to me and jack and i have always been just friends," tori told trevor. she didn't exactly lie. 

trevor seemed satisfied with tori's answer and decided to change the topic. "would you want to on a walk?" he asked after noticing the two of them finished their ice creams. 

"i thought you'd never ask," tori grinned, glad that she didn't have to continue the jack topic. 

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