Crossing the River and Meeting

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The Pevensies along with Trumpkin made their way to the river where they stopped in their tracks seeing all of the building equipment and labor that was going into building a bridge across the river by Miraz's army. Peter and Tyler stared at the monster workforces as they hid behind the logs of timber. They hid as they saw the monster himself riding on the white horse of his Miraz. Peter suddenly turned around before Tyler and the others followed him. 

All six of them ended up back at the cliff where Lucy thought she saw Aslan "so where exactly do you think you saw Aslan?" 

Lucy looked at both Peter and Tyler offended "I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown ups. I don't think I saw him, I did see him." Peter and Tyler looked at each other as Lucy walked along the edge. "It was right over..." The ground gave way as Lucy fell and Tyler along with Peter and Susan ran over as she screamed. They looked down to see Lucy sitting on a ledge "here" she finished as she looked up at them. 

They looked at each other and smiled as they made their way carefully down the cliff edge path. They carefully crossed the river and made it successfully across before stopping in a clearing to start a fire, sleep, and eat. 

In the morning both Tyler and Peter woke up to Lucy not being there and the sound of a twig snapping. They looked at each other and immediately jolted up before following after Lucy and Peter put a hand over her mouth as all three saw a minotaur. Tyler pulled his sword along with Peter and they nodded at each other before Peter headed to attack but was headed off by a man with black hair. 

Lucy and Tyler suddenly saw the Narnians coming through the trees and yelled together "stop Peter." Just as they were joined by the other Pevensies. 

Caspian looked at the boy in front of him "High King Peter." 

Peter studied the boy "Prince Caspian." 

"I believe you called," Tyler spoke up causing Caspian's attention to shift from Peter to him. Caspian smiled still looking stunned as he spoke "High King Tyler." 

Tyler nodded sheathing his sword just before Reepicheep walked up catching the attention of Peter and Tyler "we have anxiously awaited your return my lieges. Our hearts and swords are at your service." 

Peter and Tyler exchanged looks as Caspian and the others watched. Caspian noticed that it was almost like they were having their own conversation without talking. Tyler eventually nodded as Peter turned back to Reepicheep and spoke "we're going to need every sword we can get." 

Caspian looked at him "well, then you will probably be wanting yours back." Tyler smiled a little at the Spanish accent that the raven haired man spoke in. He watched as Peter took his sword before sheathing it and they all walked off. 


Caspian had always loved the stories of the Narnians more specifically the stories of High King Tyler and how he was pretty much fearless yet was still kind. He had heard how Tyler had almost single handedly brought the White Witch to her knees because he was so angry about what happened to his brothers. He once thought of him as a story that brought him comfort yet here that same story stood in front of him. 

As they walked, Caspian walked next to Peter and Tyler as Peter "it's great we have troops but we need fortifications and somewhere to train." Tyler nodded along with his sibling. 

Tyler eventually moved forward with Caspian as Peter fell back. Tyler looked at Caspian "I'm sorry about Peter in advance. He loves Narnia so he'll definitely be a little bit annoying about trying to protect it." 

Caspian chuckled before speaking "it's fine, I'm just glad we have more help. What my people did to yours was never right." 

"No it wasn't," Tyler sighed. "It only happened because we weren't there to stop it and we failed Narnia." Caspian and Tyler headed into a comfortable silence after that as they both secretly took a look at each other. 

Tyler had never really defined the he was bi sexual but he knew that he was attracted to Caspian and had been since they had seen each other. He couldn't help it but he knew that he would be leaving Narnia after this much to his chagrin so he didn't want to start anything if Caspian didn't feel the same way and he was just going to be leaving. 

Caspian for his part was looking at the High King feeling a multitude of things along the lines of grateful, hopeful, and interested. He was interested in knowing the stories of the golden age from the people who actually lived the golden age. He was interested in Tyler's life, his personality, his ruling style in other words basically everything about Tyler he wanted to know. 

Both were wondering the same thing. Does he like me? Is he interested in me? Can we do this? Can we truly give Narnia back to the Narnians and get rid of Miraz for good? 

Both of them again were basically praying that the answers to all of the above questions were yeses because if they weren't then they were going to be in quite a bit of trouble especially if Miraz becomes king and kills Caspian. 

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