Dragons, Aslan's Table, and Liliandil

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The four royals walked back to the boats but two out of four were not talking to each other. If you guessed Caspian and Edmund you would be right. Tyler and Lucy were walking in between the two creating a buffer so that they wouldn't start fighting again. Lucy looked around as the four got to the boat "where's Eustace?" 

Reepicheep sighed "not helping us load the boat, I'd wager." Tyler chuckled at Reepicheep's sarcastic attitude before all of the Pevensies looked around them. 

Lucy turned around and looked at the males "I've got a bad feeling." 

Edmund sighed "I'll go find him."

Tyler nodded and started walking off with Edmund before Caspian spoke "I'll go with you." Edmund and Tyler looked at each other before looking at Caspian and nodding. Caspian smiled and handed the sword to Lucy who watched the three leave. 

Caspian, Tyler, and Edmund walked along the ridge taking breaks to yell out "Eustace!" 

Suddenly, they stopped as they came along a valley lined with gold. Edmund looked down at it and muttered "treasure." 

Caspian shook his head "trouble." 

Suddenly, Edmund took off down the slope and Caspian looked at Tyler who shook his head but then Tyler spotted what Edmund did. Eustace's shoe. Caspian followed both Tyler and Edmund finding the burned clothes of Eustace. "I'm sorry," Caspian spoke to both of the Pevensies who nodded. 

"He was just a boy," Edmund spoke as he looked at the other two and picked up Eustace's journal. "What could have happened to him?" 

"In a place like this?" Caspian spoke looking at Tyler. "Anything." Caspian then looked behind him "and he wasn't the first or the only one." He walked to the skeleton of a man before speaking "it's Lord Octesian. We should find his..." Caspian turned around only to see Tyler pulling out a sword. "Sword," Caspian finished a bit quietly. 

They headed back to the ship when they heard screeching and roaring before seeing fire appear over the cliff. They saw a giant shadow appearing over the water as a dragon came flying past them before settling on the mast of the ship. The dragon flew off and back to the island before grabbing Edmund making Caspian and Tyler both scream "Edmund!" 

Caspian and Tyler looked at each other before seeing the dragon come back to the shore with Edmund before landing. Caspian and Tyler looked at each other stunned and slack-jawed before Tyler rushed to his younger brother "are you ok?" 

"I'm fine," Edmund spoke before pointing to the dragon standing in front of them. "It's Eustace." 

Lucy who had joined them spoke at the same time as Caspian and Tyler "what?" 

Caspian looked at the others and the dragon "we'll stay on shore with him and figure out what to do in the morning." 

"But you have no provisions," Rhince looked at Caspian. "And no means of staying warm, your majesty." Caspian looked at Tyler and was about to speak before Eustace growled and shot fire at a stick in the sand causing it to catch fire. 

Caspian and Tyler laid next to Edmund that night looking at the stars. Caspian then spoke, "I used to imagine sailing to the end of the world and finding my father there." 

"Maybe you will," Tyler spoke from Caspian's left. 

Caspian then turned to Edmund "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have let that fight get so violent." 

"It's alright," Edmund spoke reassuring the king. "I shouldn't have let the gold tempt me. I definitely shouldn't have let it tempt me enough to fight you violently. I'm sorry as well." 

Caspian smiled "I may regret a lot of things in my lifetime but the one thing that I will that I will never regret is meeting all of you." Tyler and Edmund smiled before all three fell asleep like the others. 

"Everybody wake up!" Tyler woke up to the sound of Lucy shouting. Tyler was about ready to playfully push Lucy when he saw what she had woken them all up for. He gasped as he came into sight with the blue star. All of them headed back to the ship and sailed on with Eustace flying beside them. 

The wind suddenly stopped and they all looked at each other realizing that something didn't want them to get there before suddenly everyone went flying into the wall. Tyler was thrown into the wall and Caspian was thrown into Tyler. They both grunted as Caspian got up first and turned to offer a hand to Tyler. Their rings clinked together as Caspian pulled Tyler up making them smile. 

They all looked up to see that Eustace the dragon had decided that they were moving too slow for him and started pulling the ship. Caspian, Tyler, and Edmund headed to Caspian's dining table as Caspian and Tyler sat down with Edmund on the balcony. Caspian looked at his love and one of his best companions "we can't even be sure the other lords even made it to Ramandu's Island." 

Eustace let go as they arrived at Ramandu's Island where all of the royals and some of the crew headed in rowboats to land. They all walked close to each other and with their weapons drawn or their hands on their weapons. They approached a table that was set with food and drink before noticing three men asleep and covered in vines. Edmund shined his torch on them as Caspian pointed to their rings "Lord Revilian, Lord Mavramorn, and Lord Argoz." Caspian leaned forward and noticed that they were all still breathing. 

Edmund brought the others out of their thoughts "hey, it's the stone knife. This is Aslan's Table." 

Tyler nodded showing that Edmund was right before Caspian gasped "the swords." He reached in and grabbed each of their swords before laying them all on the table along with the ones they already had. 

"That's six," Edmund spoke staring at the table. 

Caspian nodded "we're still missing one." 

A blue light started to fall over them as they all looked up. Tyler and Caspian both drew their swords before the blue star landed and turned into a beautiful blonde. "I am Liliandil, daughter of Ramandu. I am your guide." 

Tyler noticed Caspian eyeing the star and rolled his eyes making Edmund and Lucy chuckled. Caspian looked at Tyler and slid his hand into Tyler's as they followed Liliandil to the edge of the island. "The Magician, Coriakin told you of Dark Island." 

"Yes," Caspian nodded as he stood behind the women. 

They stared straight at a looming island with glowing green parts. It made Caspian and Tyler look at each other warily. "Before long, the evil became unstoppable." 

"Coriakin said to break the spell," Tyler started making Liliandil look at him as it was Caspian's turn to glare. "We lay the seven swords at Aslan's table."

"He speaks the truth." 

Edmund sighed "but we only found six. Do you know where the seventh is?" 

Liliandil nodded "in there," she pointed to Dark Island. "You will need great courage. Now, waste no time." She then turned back into a star before they headed back to the boat and set sail for their nightmares.

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