The River, Aslan, and Rings

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Caspian watched Tyler and the Pevensies as pushing the Telmarines to the river and battling seemed to come naturally to them. He only wished that with time he would be half as good. They all followed the Telmarine army to the river only to watch them stop at the bridge. After a couple of minutes they saw Lucy on the other end of the bridge who pulled a knife just to see a lion join her side. 

Caspian looked over at the other Pevensies and saw them smile so he did as well. This was Aslan. They watched as Aslan roared and all of a sudden the soldiers on horses were now treading water. A giant wave came roaring through the river which turned into a man who took the bridge apart making all of the Narnians smile. 

Narnians stood at the bank of the river taking swords from the Telmarines as the remaining Pevensie siblings and Caspian crossed the river before bowing in front of Aslan. Aslan looked at them "rise kings and queens of Narnia." With that all five remaining royals rose from the sand. Aslan healed Reepicheep before they all headed back to Telmarine castle. 

The older Pevensies were pulled into a room before the coronation by Aslan "Peter, Susan your time in Narnia is almost over for good this time." Peter and Tyler looked at each other as they were the two that felt the most at home in Narnia. "You may chose whether to stay permanently or leave. As for you Tyler, you and Caspian present an interesting dilemma. You will leave because it has to happen but you will come back one more time." 

Tyler nodded with tears in his eyes as he thought about saying goodbye to the person that he had come to love. Aslan left as Lucy and Edmund walked in, Peter looked at them "me and Susan when we leave are not coming back." 

Lucy looked confused "why?"

"Because we've gotten too old for this place," Susan spoke. "Plus we've learned everything we can." 

Edmund then looked at Tyler "what about Tyler?" 

Peter sighed "he gets to come back one more time and then he'll make his decision." 

"But how do you know if you and Caspian will be in the same timeline?" Lucy asked. 

Tyler smiled with tears in his eyes "we don't. I could come back and Caspian could be dead." 

"We need to go home" Susan spoke causing all of the others to look at her. 

"Ty," Peter spoke to his oldest brother. "You've been protecting and taking care of us for so long that you've never gotten anything you wanted. Now you have a chance to get a love that you want don't waste the chance Aslan is giving you to come back."

Susan scoffed "this is ridiculous."

Tyler nodded as Edmund spoke to Susan "I agree with Peter what's so wrong with Tyler wanting something for himself."

"Because again Caspian's him and Tyler's Tyler."

"For the love of god Susan not everything is about you." Tyler spoke as he finally snapped being done with his sisters attitude. "I've been protecting all of you for so long. Is it so wrong that I want to stay or have a chance to come back to where I feel at home and have found somebody that I love and loves me back."

Susan stomped away as the others looked at each other. Peter looked at his brother "find Caspian after the coronation." Tyler nodded before they all headed down to watch Caspian be crowned before getting on horses and riding through the city. Tyler watched Caspian look like a king should and smiled knowing that he would be alright. 

That night as the fireworks went off Caspian and Tyler stood on the balcony looking out at the city when Tyler spoke "my siblings and I are leaving tomorrow." 

"What?" Caspian looked at him stunned. 

"Aslan didn't give me a choice," Tyler spoke as he turned to Caspian. "Peter and Susan are never coming back." Caspian looked down bracing for the worst "I am though." Caspian whipped to look at Tyler who continued "but I don't know if it'll be in the same timeline or how many years will have passed for each of us." 

Caspian sighed before taking something out of his pocket and handed it to Tyler. Tyler looked at it in his palm. It was a ring. It was plain silver. 

He gasped and looked at Caspian who showed him the matching ring on his finger

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He gasped and looked at Caspian who showed him the matching ring on his finger. "It's a promise that we're each others. No matter where we are, who we're with, or anything else. It's a promise that I will wait however long until you return to me because there is no one else for me." 

Tyler looked at Caspian with tears pooling his eyes as he slid the ring on to his left ring finger. "I'm yours no matter whether in Narnia or in my siblings world. No matter what happens I will come back to you." Caspian nodded and pulled Tyler in for a desperate kiss not willing to accept what was to come. Tyler pulled back and hugged him smiling at the feel of Caspian's iron grip on his waist enjoying the moment knowing that tomorrow he would be leaving for who knows how long. 

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