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Caspian and Tyler returned to the rebuilt Cair Paravel still feeling sad about seeing Lucy and Edmund leave. Caspian looked at Tyler "you feeling alright?" 

"Yeah," Tyler spoke softly walking through Cair Paravel. "It just feels weird being in Narnia without my siblings and I wish I could have said goodbye to Peter in person." 

Caspian nodded "well, how about we get married and I crown you again." 

Tyler smiled wiping some of his tears. Drinian was the one officiating their wedding in front of all of the Narnians and Telmarines. "King Caspian X do you take Tyler Pevensie to be your husband?" 

Caspian looked at Tyler and smiled "I do" slipping the purple, silver, and gold ring onto his finger. 

Drinian then looked at Tyler "Tyler Pevensie, do you take King Caspian to be your husband?" 

Tyler smiled and kept his stare level with Caspian "I do." He slipped the matching ring onto Caspian's hand. 

Drinian then spoke again "I now pronounce you husband and husband

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Drinian then spoke again "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss." With that Caspian drug Tyler in for a kiss that contained everything including electricity and sparks. 

They pulled away and smiled raising their hands before Caspian spoke "we're not done. Tyler Pevensie is one of the Kings of Old in Narnia but hasn't had any real power in quite a long time. I aim to fix that." He pulled out a silver crown that looked lighter than Tyler's other one and raised it over his head as Tyler kneeled. "To the whole of Narnia, I give you King Tyler the Resilient." 

He placed the crown on Tyler's head as Tyler stood up before moving to Caspian's side and whispering "again," making Caspian chuckle as they held hands facing the Narnians and the Telmarines who cheered.

He placed the crown on Tyler's head as Tyler stood up before moving to Caspian's side and whispering "again," making Caspian chuckle as they held hands facing the Narnians and the Telmarines who cheered

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The Pevensies and Eustace meanwhile had arrived back in the bedroom. Lucy and Edmund still had tears in their eyes as they realized that Tyler was not coming back to their world. Edmund was still holding the letter that Tyler had given him. He looked at Lucy "I need to send this to Peter." 

Lucy nodded and they all left the room but not before Lucy and Edmund took one last look at the painting that was now back on the wall. They watched as the Dawn Treader disappeared in the waves and both spoke "goodbye, Caspian. Goodbye, Tyler." They then left the room and Edmund mailed the letter to Peter in America.


Peter who was working in his office in America looked up when Susan yelled "there's a letter for you Pete." Peter grabbed the letter from Susan and looked at the return address only to see Tyler's name on it. He shakily opened the letter and started reading. 

Dear Peter, 

As you might have quickly realized Ed, Lu, and I have all gone back to Narnia. This time we brought Eustace along but that wasn't exactly our choice. We found Caspian and now we're sailing to find the lost lords that were friends with his father. If you're reading this letter then I chose not to come back from Narnia.

Peter took a breath as tears started pooling in his eyes nevertheless he continued reading. 

I'm currently sitting in Caspian's dinner cabin in a tempest storm writing this to you. I can't leave again. I barely survived leaving Narnia and Caspian the first time. I literally went catatonic. If Aslan gives me the choice at the end of this journey I'm staying with Caspian. I wish I could say goodbye to you in person but this letter will have to do. Caspian says that he loves you, Ed, and Lu like siblings.  I chose myself after a lifetime of looking after you guys. Look after our siblings, never forget me or Narnia. Know that I am with Caspian and I am happy. I'll see you in the next life, in Aslan's country. Never forget I love you, brother



Peter closed the letter as the tears dripped down his face freely. He carefully folded the letter as he walked to his bedroom and placed it in his nightstand drawer next to his bed. Peter whispered "goodbye, brother" before he wiped his eyes and decided to do exactly what his brother was doing; living and being happy. He also decided to do what his brother asked; take care of his siblings and never forget Narnia or Tyler. 

Even though they were oceans and universes away Lucy, Tyler, Caspian, Edmund, and Peter knew they were going to see each other again. That they were going to see each other again and reunite in Aslan's country. 

And they did, many years later.

That's it for Tyler's story. I cried writing this part and basically this entire act. Go check out my other books if you're interested. I hope you enjoyed Tyler and Caspian's story.

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