Lucy Gets Kidnapped and Coriakin

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As they all got into the small boats, Caspian, Tyler, and Edmund made sure that they all had their swords with them. They had been surprised before and were unwilling to be surprised again. 

When they reached land, the bunch of them started a fire before cooking food. Tyler and Caspian ate next to each other as Caspian looked at Tyler "when we end this journey are you going to leave with your siblings?" 

"I don't know," Tyler spoke looking out at the water not particularly wanting to think about that. "I hope not as I think I'd like to stay here but to answer your question I really don't know." 

Caspian nodded "do you think we can save these people?"

"I hope so," Tyler sighed as he looked at the Telmarine King. "If we can't then I think we're going to get stuck as well." Caspian nodded before the two kings drifted off to sleep next to each other while grasping hands unaware of what was going to happen. 

The next morning Caspian was the first to wake up and when he did he noticed that something was wrong. Edmund was next to him as was Tyler but Lucy was gone. He shook Tyler and Edmund at the same time "Ty, Ed, wake up." 

Tyler groaned "what, Cas?" 

"Huh?" Edmund spoke still half asleep. 

"Lucy's missing," Caspian spoke causing both Pevensie brothers to jolt awake. 

Tyler and Edmund grabbed their swords before Tyler handed Caspian his own sword as Caspian nodded in thanks. They then noticed the giant footprints next to them before all three of them headed into the woods following their footsteps. 

Caspian made sure to keep close to Edmund and Tyler not willing to lose either one of them. All of them walked before being accosted by invisible beings which made Tyler facepalm as he realized that if they were invisible then they probably weren't all that scary. 

All of a sudden they appeared and all of the Narnians did a double take at seeing giants with only one leg. The bunch were shaken out of their thoughts when Lucy and the magician named Coriakin showed up making the giants go away after telling them he turned them invisible for their own good. Edmund and Tyler immediately hugged Lucy before all of the royals headed inside with the magician. 

Lucy looked at Coriakin "what did you mean when you said you turned them invisible for their own good?" 

"It was the only way to protect them from the evil." 

Edmund looked at the magician "you mean the mist?" 

Coriakin moved to one side to let the others pass "I mean what lies behind the mist." He rolled out a carpet that turned into a map of Narnia. He then pointed to an island "there is the source of your trouble. Dark Island. A place where evil lurks." Caspian and Tyler both looked at each other before looking back to the map. "it can take any form. It can make your darkest fears come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness, steal the light from the world." 

Lucy sighed "how do we stop it?" 

"You must break the spell," He looked at Edmund "that sword you carry, there are six others." 

Edmund gripped the hilt "have you seen them?" 


Caspian looked at the magician "the six lords- they passed through here?" 


Tyler took over for Caspian "where were they headed?" 

Coriakin looked at the map "where I sent them." The map moved showing another island, "to break the spell, you must follow the blue star to Ramandu's Island. There the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only there can their true power be released. But beware, you are all about to be tested." Caspian and Tyler looked at each other "until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in its power to tempt you. Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there you must defeat the darkness inside yourself." 

Caspian and Tyler looked at each other and nodded before the entire group headed back to the ship. They started sailing for Ramandu's Island but sooner rather than later the ship ended up in a tempest. They were getting splashed with water left and right. They were smashed for fourteen days as waves the size of castles tumbled down. 

Caspian, Tyler, and Edmund were in the cabin as Drinian spoke "so we're stuck here," he pointed to a spot on the map. "At half rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum." Tyler who was sitting next to Caspian looked at Edmund and rolled his eyes. Drinian turned to Caspian and Tyler "this is your last chance to turn back Majesties. There's no guarantee we'll spot the blue star soon, in this storm." Caspian and Tyler looked at each other as Drinian turned to Edmund "needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place. We could sail right past it and off the edge of the world. These are likes of seas that I've never seen before." 

Caspian finally had enough and stood up "then perhaps Captain you'd like to explain to Rhince that we're abandoning the search for his family." 

"I'll get back to it," Drinian spoke grabbing his coat before speaking "just a word of warning, the sea can play nasty tricks on a crew's mind." Caspian, Edmund, and Tyler all nodded knowing that it was true.

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