Oncoming reunion

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"So let me get this straight. You tried killing some bitch with a Drapion tail who just so happens to be a cardinal and now she's back for the sweet revenge kill and bombed the entirety of Rezzai cave? And now she has an arm that's just bone? And she's named after a cloud???" Isaac yells.

"No! I DID kill her! I SUCCESSFULLY killed her!" I corrected him, when a person dies their mana gets released into the surroundings, and I felt the release.

"Well, she's obviously not dead. You messed up somewhere. Did you check the pulse?" He questions me.

"No, I didn't check the Goddamn pulse." I snap.

"Motherfucker, why would you NOT check the pulse?!" How best to think up a reason his idiocy could understand?

"HER FACE WAS CAVED IN!!! YOU COULD SEE HER BRAIN OOZE FROM HER THICK SKULL!!!" I yell in his face, oh it feels good to yell at this fuck.

"YOU ALWAYS CHECK THE PULSE, RETARD!!! OTHERWISE MIRACULOUS SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPENS!!! It's as simple as that! You never confirm a death if you haven't found the body or if you haven't checked the pulse!" Well, that's just wrong, but I have more important things to do than teach him how to tell when someone's dead.

"And what if you behead someone?" I point out.

"Easy. The brain is surgically removed to be put into another being to hide their identity. That is a thing. It's how brain surgeries are done." That, that's beyond stupid.

"If someone falls from a cliff dive?" I'm genuinely curious about how far he can go with this bs Illogical train of thought.

"There's always either a body of water that saves the fall, or if they have quick reflexes, they grab onto a branch or some other thing that sticks out." 'Always'? What kind of world does he think this

"Turning into Stone?" I question him, I want to see how far this goes

"Does that even count as a death? That feels more like cryo-freezing time. Like Captain Unova." I mean freezing someone solid kills them anyway if they are a complete mortal.

"Okay, nerdass. How do you explain this?" I ask him.

"Not having been there to see the state of the body, my main guess would have to be revival blessing." now that's just fucking stupid

"Revival blessing? Really? You're making shit up on the spot." I shoot back.

"No, man. That's a thing. Haven't you read the news lately? Thanks to  revival blessing, there are a lot more fossil Pokémon being revived. And yet still no clue on how they looked before extinction. Priorities, I tell you." I do know about those fossils, the damaged fossils of half a Pokemon that didn't have enough DNA to grow a cell culture, they use revival blessing to get more DNA. Not resurrect the dead by itself.

"We're here. Told you it was one long route." I tell him as we arrive.

The massive shopping department and the tower that was the local gym, and my dad's hang space.

"So what's the plan?" he asks me.

"We're looking for my dad." I leave out the details.

"The Auger? Shit, man. That's a great idea. Why didn't we think of asking the auger in the first place? Perfect firepower!" oh young fool

"They want me to meet my dad in 3 days or else my name is a fortune." I slip the threat in, a bounty Hunter with a bounty, whoever knew.

"Your name is already a fortune. It's literally Jewel." He doesn't get it.

I pull out my gun.

"Now, do I commit homicide or suicide for that one?" I joke around, not taking off the safety.

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