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Isaac and I were outside, I had set enough  mince for all of us, every Pokemon and every human, to have 3 portions on a hob and assigned dudunsparce to stir it. It was impressive to watch all his Pokémon help him out. Frogadier was adding some spices with his combustible leaves. larvesta was amplifying the aroma by condensing it, training poison gas condensing at the same time.

"Wow... that smells amazing. Whatcha making" Isaac asks when he smells the food. "Heh-heh. Patience, my friend. A chef never reveals his secrets." I respond as I start to mentally recall the plan for lesson one I made oh so long ago.

There was a volcano nearby, it was dormant though.

"Now, while we wrap that up I shall be giving you a crash course on different esoteric abilities, and a new catch of mine will be joining us for the last section, please sit down, for the duration of the lesson you shall refer to me as professor aurelia" I start my lesson, and make a psychic illusion of a white board in the air.

" Yeah that's cringe I'm not gonna-" "shut your mouth, now, we shall start with the most famous esoteric ability, psychcokinesis" i interrupt Isaac, and illusion up a diagram of the human Brain on the white board.

" the brain is one of five nexus points where the body is most tied to the soul, the other being the eyes, the soles of our feet (hence their name), our heart, the palms of our hands, and the pelvis/ appropriate sexual organ" i start up my explanation, the diagram of the human board switching to that of a human body, with a star at each nexus point.

"Because of this, in many Pokemon and some humans, theirs a unique, mutation let's call it, where the leylines which connect the brain and soul is longer than it should be, essentially hanging limply in the astral plane"  the white board illusion flashes with images to accompany my explanation, a comparison between the leylines of a psychic and a non psychic.

"Because of this, the psychic in question can effectively use that loose leylines to latch onto something, aka basic telekinesis, more advanced psychic techniques involve using it to manipulate mana in the air, for example, this illusion" i flow extra mana into my loose leyline, to the point it was glowing and visible.

"Now any questions?" I ask Isaac, "Uh... less nerd emoji please? What's a nexus? What's a leyline? What's an astral plane? Is that some type of rocket ship?" Oh herewe go .

"Leylines are effectively magic veins, in both living organisms and the planet, they also are what connects the soul to the body, the nexus points are the points where souls and bodies are most connected, and the astral  plane is the layer of reality made of mana or magic energy" I clear up the bits he didn't understand.

" now let's move onto the next esoteric ability, aura!" The diagram switches to that of a human and and a lucario.

"Aura wielders, or aura adepts, wield the spark of their own life as a weapon, the spark of life force.

Life force, is the binding of a soul to a vessel, the difference between a ghost or a corpse and a living person, or even a living object.

In aura adepts, this spark is more like an inferno or, in the strongest cases, a blazing star, any questions so far?" I begin the second part of my explanation.

"So in that regard why isn't lucario fighting ghost? Where'd the steel come from?" Alright, I figured that was clear but apparently not.

His Pokemon laugh, laugh as they will, but when they fail to protect Isaac, and he dies, because he didn't pay attention to my lessons, that blood, will not be on my hands, only theirs.

"Aura doesn't come from the soul by itself, it comes from the spark of life in a soul with a vessel, or body, aura wielders lose their powers if they become a ghost because they have no vessel, as for the steel thing, that's biology based not esoteric based" i elaborate.

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