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The day of me getting discharged from the hospital finally came. I was soooo ready to leave this place. The only good thing that came from it, is that Jenna came to visit me every single day after filming.

Can you believe that Selena never even reached out to me? This happened almost two weeks ago, and she never even called or texted me to apologize. She IS the reason why I'm like this, anyways.

"Miss Gooding, you have one last visitor before you go. Sorry this is such short notice."

The nurse was standing in the doorway. Kali was standing next to her with a horrified look as she seen me in my new wheelchair.

"Jayden? What the fuck happened to you? You know what, fuck that; I know what happened. But why did it take me so long to find out? It's been almost two weeks."

Kali came closer to me. I sighed and looked up at her.

"What are you doing here, Kali? And I didn't think you were supposed to know. I didn't think you were interested."

"Uh, we're friends, aren't we? I thought friends were supposed to know these things about one another. Especially something like THIS."

"Last time I checked, I thought we were just sleeping around with each other. Not friends."

"Well when you say it like that.."

Kali smirked and bit her lip. I shook my head at how selfish she was being. Typical ole Kali.

"Kali, clearly we can't do that anymore. I'm in a wheelchair for god knows how long. I wouldn't be interested anymore even if I wasn't.. so maybe we can just really stick to being friends.."

"What do you mean? You're falling in love with that Jennifer girl like I predicted, huh?"

"For the last time, it's JENNA! And it's none of your concern, Ka. I just don't think it would be a good idea anymore."

"You know you can't just let go of me like that. We give each other way too much pleasure. You'll be back. Just like you used to do with Selena."

Does this girl not understand?! Does she visibly not see that IM IN A WHEELCHAIR?! Even if I wanted to continue to sleep with her, I wouldn't be able to!

"Hey, babes! Sorry that I took so long, your brother is something else. He's waiting in the car. Are you ready to go — oh..."

Jenna stopped speaking as soon as she seen Kali standing next to me. Kali shook her head and looked back at me.

"Looks like I'm about to get going.. see you around."

Kali walked away from me and pushing past Jenna, walking out of the room with an attitude. Jenna slowly walked over to me with my jacket.

"Is there something I should be concerned about, Jayden..?"

"Ah, damn. That's how I know you're upset. You're calling be by my full first name."

"I mean, if you walked in on seeing me chatting it up with someone I used to sleep around.. wouldn't you be upset, too?"

"I understand. But you missed the whole conversation. I was literally telling her that I can't be around her anymore, she wasted her time even coming here."

"You know what? It doesn't even matter. You're getting out the hospital, today is a great day."

Jenna then started to help me put my jacket on. The thought of her kindness just puts a huge smile on my face. She's just so gentle and patient with me..


"Yes, my love?"

"Thank you. For everything. For being here for me, for not just walking away because I'll be physically disabled for a little while —"

"Jayden, none of that extra stuff matters to me. I like you for you. And when you really like and care for someone like I do you, you'll do anything and everything just to see that person at their best. So, you don't have to thank me. I'm doing this because I'm all for you."

Jenna gave me a smile, leading to a kiss on the cheek. I returned the smile and nodded slowly.
"I have some other good news for you, Jay."

Mason said as he was driving us all back to the hotel. I looked at him confused.

"What's that?"

"Your old best friend from back home Devyn reached out to me over Instagram while you were in the hospital. She told me she wanted to come and visit you because she found out what happened through an internet blog. She said she'll be down here tomorrow."

Devyn? Doesn't Mason pay attention? We stopped talking years ago, because she tried making moves on Selena when I wasn't around!

I was nice enough to invite her to Selena's birthday party, and she really tried to steal my girl behind my back! Why would I wanna talk to her again?!

Not only was it Selena, though. The situation with Selena is the one I decided to cut ties with Devyn from.

Devyn had been doing that to every single girlfriend or fling that I've had since I came out the closet. Which I don't understand why, because Devyn and I grew up together. She was like my mom's second daughter, we were the best of friends.

"Mase... do you even have a little clue on why we stopped speaking in the first place? She tried to her with every single girl I was dealing with! Remember? She's a piece of shit that I don't want around me anymore!"

"I remember perfectly fine, Jay. All I'm saying is, maybe give her another chance. It's been four years since you guys spoke. A lot of people can change in four years."

"Yeah.. but if you're Devyn Brown, most likely not. If she tries anything on Jenna, I'm throwing hands.. and I'll simply just run her over with my hot wheels."

I laughed, making a joke out of my wheelchair situation once again. This amuses me.

"All you have to do is act like you and Jenna are just friends until she leaves. She'll only be here for like three days."

"Okay but then what happens when we end up going public with our relationship, genius? Have you forgot that we're celebrities?"

"Shit.. you're right.. but look, the most you can do is just give her a second chance. See how it goes."

"Trust me, Mase. This is WAY past just her second chance. This is more like her twentieth chance. No one's counting, though. I lost track a long time ago."

I shrugged, looking down at my fingers. Jenna lifted my chin up with one finger, leaving a small kiss on my lips.

"It'll be okay. I'll be here every second with you."

"No one knows Devyn how I do, Jen. She's terrible, I have a lot of valid reasons why I cut ties from her. And I should've did it a long ass time ago, too."

"I know, Pooh. We just have to see and hope for the best."

And let's just see how far that actually gets us..

CO STAR → JENNA ORTEGA (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now