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"Why do you keep rejecting that poor girl's calls? She's going to think that you hate her of some sort."

Lauren said as we had just finished recording for the day. I sighed and shook my head slightly.

"It just kinda frightened me. It caught me off guard. I'm just scared of being hurt again, I'm just now getting over Selena."

"Jenna seems nothing like Selena. What are you so scared of? You know she's nothing like Selena."

"I'm scared of being in love all over again. You know? What if it's all for nothing? I fall in love, all for my heart to be broken once again?"

And it's true. It happens all of the time. Even before Selena. I never loved a girl like Selena, but I would entertain females all for them to just fuck me over in the end.

"I'm telling you right now, it doesn't seem like Jenna is anything like that. She seems to really care about you. Just give her a call back so you're not leaving her hanging."

Lauren shrugged and sat back on the studio chair. I slightly nodded and put my pride to the side, giving Jenna a call back through regular phone. She answered after the third ring.

"Oh, so NOW you wanna call me back? I thought you would've been too busy with Lauren Jauregui for the rest of the night?"

"Girl, now how imma be busy in that way if I'm in a wheelchair? I couldn't even fuck her if I wanted to, which I don't."

"Mhm. Sure. Is that what you say to every girl that you mess with?"

"Okay, where is all of this even coming from? First off, Lauren and I have been close friends for years now. And secondly, I'm only entertaining you at the moment. Why would I play with your heart like that?"

"I don't know, Jayden. You tell me."

"Exactly. I would never play with your heart like that. Where are you anyways? It sounds like you're out at a public gathering or something."

"I'm hanging out with Devyn right now. But before you start freaking out, she's strictly just being friendly."

"I warned you about her, Jenna! That's how she plays her little games! She'll be friendly with you for a little while, and then try to get with you. Because we have something going on!"

I really couldn't believe what I was hearing! After everything I warned Jenna about, she really went against me and hung out with Devyn anyways!

"Jay, there's nothing to worry about. If something happens otherwise, I'll be sure to tell you."

"You don't know her how I do, Jenna! Why can't you just listen to me?! I already know how this is gonna go!"

"You seem very upset right now. You can call me back later on when you're calmed down."

"Damn right I'm upset! And I won't even bother on calling back! This call back right now was a mistake. Enjoy the night with precious little Devyn!"

I angrily hung up the phone. Lauren's eyes were widened as she exhaled the smoke to her blunt. She then held the blunt out to me.

"You want a hit? It seems like you desperately need it right now."

"Yeah. I definitely fucking need it right now before I lose my shit."

I gently took the blunt and inhaled it, exhaling a few seconds later. Lauren then looked at me in confusion.

"You mentioned Devyn. I thought you guys stopped talking a long time ago? You know, after that whole Selena's birthday party situation."

"Exactly, we DID. Then it turns out she's apart of the new camera crew for Scream 6. I'm so fed up with this shit. It's like I can't have anything to myself. My career, my girlfriends, she tried to snatch every fucking thing that I have going for myself. One way or the other."

I took another hit of Lauren's blunt. Lauren shook her head in shame but hugged me.

"Don't worry, Jay. Whatever Devyn is planning on doing, isn't going to work. And if it does, it won't for long. Everything will be just fine."

"I hope you're right, Lauren... I really hope you're right."

I started to have this feeling of sickness in my stomach at that second. I never wanted to admit it, but I genuinely do like Jenna more than I thought I would.

Jenna is the most sweetest, kindest, most gentle girl that I've ever met in my life. Someone like that I needed in my life. To help keep me content. The thought of us not speaking anymore just filled me with sickness.

I couldn't lose someone who has been such a light in my life through this time. Shit, I even started writing songs about her. I don't just do that for any girl I'm around.

I wanted more than anything in me to make things official with Jenna. To make her my girlfriend. It's just my fear that's stopping me. But what if I take the risk and everything actually works out?

CO STAR → JENNA ORTEGA (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now