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❝ don't catch feelings ❞

 ★ Y/N JUNE★5teen " JUNEY "

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There was an English project and Y/n happened  to be in Maya Anna Connie and Stevie's group she stood at the door and was about to knock until shuji opened the door

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There was an English project and Y/n happened to be in Maya Anna Connie and Stevie's group she stood at the door and was about to knock until shuji opened the door. They made eye contact and her heart began to race.

"Hey shuj" she says with a smile, "sup June" he says blushing. "How you been?" He asked, "good good you?" She responded "ditto" he says before leaving.

"See you around yeah" he says walking away with his friend "hey" y/n stepped foot in . " hey I mean a-sup" Anna says all the girls followed in and they all sat awkwardly, "y/b your skin is so exotic and brown" Connie says "uh thanks" y/n says visibly uncomfortable.

"And your hair" they say touching her hair, Maya gave out the food y/n passed cause she was not hungry. And Connie was being a bitch and took becca to the fridge. "Ew she has fish head" they whispered.

"Fried fish head is so good" y/n says lifting up Maya spirit. "So let's get to it" y/n before she grabbed the camrea. They all dressed up and y/n was forced into a leopard print jumpsuit.

But y/n didn't get the memo until becca said the most racist thing ever, that Maya and y/n should be the slaves because of the colour of their skin. A frown grew on y/n face. "What?" She questioned "no stop your ruing this for me June" Maya whispered as she went along with it.

She watched in horror, until they said something about being Mexican and how Mexican people are dirty y/n frown harder "hol on hol on what did you say?" Getting up in becca face "it's a joke calm down" she says getting scared "well it wasn't funny" Iy/n said firmly.

"Well your the only one not laughing so you are more odd" she laughed until she said something so racist. "You can pick cotton and garden" she laughed
Y/n swung on becca punching her again and again and again until her nose was bleeding.

Evan and Shuji appeared and held her back as becca started to bawl her eyes out.

A few minutes later,

"No don't be fighting sweetie" Maya mom says wrapping her knuckles, "yeah" she trialed "you want to eat dinner here?" She asked, "if that's okay with you guys" she says looking at shuji he nodded.

They all sat at the dining table and Maya and Anna spoke about what happened taking out the fact that the girls were racially profiling Maya and her.

Shoving the stereotypes down their thoarts. "and Maya did this funny character it was so funny" Anna says laughing " I wanna see it" Evan says with a smile joy knowing what he's about to witness.

"Okay" Maya says blushing before she began to act out the servant, she acted it out and it hurt but Maya was so unaware, "hey. Juney aren't you Hispanic or Mexican or what ever?" Evan asked she nodded "okay racist" shuji says offended.

"And that's what it was about" y/n says raising her eyebrows, "it's not racist" Maya says "did you just make fun of Mexicans?" Evan says getting really annoyed "I didn't say I was Mexican they told me I was so it was funny" Maya laughed.

"Was it tho?" Juney spoke up.

"Wait wait so let me get this straight in the video you play a servant and you serving all your white friends" Evan says scoffing, "and she put a blanket over Ojichans shrine" shuji says with hurt in his voice.

"What- you don't mess with ojichans shrine" Maya moms says hurt too. "I didn't want to scare them" Maya says "I'm not scared Maya I love your culture okay no need to hide it embrace it" y/n says uplifting her.

"Why are you so ashamed of being Japanese" shuji yelled "I'm not!" Maya shouted back, "I'm like barley Japanese and I'm cool with it" Maya shrugged, her mom lefter "Anna you are more fucked up for making her do that" Evan says "yeah" y/n chimes in.

"Good jobs racist" shuji said before juney was about to walk home. "Let me walk you home" shuji followed. "Okay" she smiled .

"You know about that one night" shuji asked "yeah" she trailed "have you told anyone about it?" He asked she shook her head no. "Okay cool I haven't either" he says.

"Thank you for helping my sister" he says smiling "all good shuji" she says punching his arm. He laughed before they reached her house she gave him a big hug and she walked in.

"You have three seconds to RUN FOOL" Oscar shouted. And shuji sprinted away

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