chapter 4:advice

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over the next 2 months me and beth had gotten really close. we became pratically best friends except i dont think i want that, i think i want more. whenever me and beth were apart i would miss her and i would call her at anytime i could.

i finally realised that i have got feelings for her. im not sure if she feels the same way. she has been flirting with me i think but im not sure if she is orjust being her normal teasing self. i started liking her like a month back but i dont know if i should make a move.

me and the girls, beth, jen, jordon, steph amd kim got to ibiza two days ago. i have ended up sharing a room with jordon jen and steph together and beth and kim together. little bit glad im not with beth, i dont know how long i can take just being friends.

im in my room right now just getting ready to go out for some drinks. i start getting my bag ready when jordon comes out the bathroom

jordon:viv can i ask you something?

me:sure what is it jord

jordon:do you like beth?

what how did she know. oh my god what do i say.

me:well it obvious


jordon laughs. what do i do if jordon can find out beth probably knows, jordon is definetly one of the most oblivious person i know.

jordon:its ok viv, she defintley likes you too

me:REALLY? i sure jordon

jordon:its easy to tell, ive never seen her look at anyone like the way she looks at you

me:ok well this is new, what do i do, i dont know if i should make a move

jordon:come on do it? after going out tonight kim probably wont be back till late trying to get jen home.

i thimk i should listen to jordon. i mean what have i got to lose, well a lot but, i really like her and if jordons right then this coukd be the best thing ive ever done

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