chapter 5: room opposite

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we had just gotten back from the bar and i was sitting in my room. jordon was still at the bar trying to help kim get jen and steph home and beth was in her room which was opposite mine. i was thinking about what jordon said, maybe beth does like me, we did talk a lot together at the bar. i also kept catching her looking at me. im going to do it.

i got up and walked out my room to see the numbers 36 planted onto the door opposite. i sighed and knocked. my heart starts racing. come on viv youve got this, just tell her how you feel, wait no dont do that just kiss her, omg make your mind up

beth: hey viv whats up

i dont know what to do i kinda just stand there looking at her.


i put my hand on her cheek and look down on her. i cant help but notice her bright blue eyes, i could look into them forever. i move in closer and our lips lock. to my suprise beth doesnt pull back, she just goes along to it.

after about 30 seconds i pull back i look at her and i just laugh making beth laugh too.

beth:well i wasnt expecting that


beth:viv its late, but can we talk about this in the morning please.

i look at her, even without makeup shes gorgeous, i just cant put it into words.

me:yes of course

beth smiles and she close the door. what have i done. did she like it?what if ive ruined our friendship. i should not have listened to jordon, maybe if i had just sat down with er and told her, or maybe i should have done this when i was more sober. shit.

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