private place

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vivs pov:

we got a taxi back and came back to my room

viv:you sure you told jordon


viv:what did she say

beth:she said it was okay stop stressing love

we entered the hotel room and i dropped my bag on the floor

viv:i need a shower really badly

beth:what now

viv: uh huh


she sighed and flopped down on the bed. i went into the bathroom, got undressed and turned the shower on. a minute later i heard the bathroom door open.



viv:what are you doing

beth:well i need a shower too so 

 viv:wait outside then it's to steamy in here for you

beth:well don't you think we should save water

i knew exactly what she was thinking. and i loved the idea but i had to tease her

viv:use the sink

i move the shower curtain so my head was poking out

 beth:don't do this viv

viv:then what you gonna use then

beth:you know exactly what

she took off her top so she was just wearing a bra on top.

viv:i think i have an idea

i watched her completely undress and she came into the shower. she instantly grabbed the back of my neck and started kissing me. i pulled her in closer and kissed her faster and more passionately. 

beth:show that i'm yours viv

viv:trust me i will

half an hour later i was laying on my bed waiting for beth to finish actually showering. shower sex? never thought i'd experience that. i heard the door open and saw beth come out wearing only a towel.

viv:you ok?

beth:oh i'm more then ok

viv:that good am i?

beth:don't get too gobby about it

i laughed and watched her slip on the same over sized too as last time

viv:still hot when you wear that 

beth:oh yeah

viv:almost too hot


viv:i like it when you shout my name


viv:ok maybe not my full

she laughed and joined me in bed and cuddled up to me without a question 

viv:what time we getting up?

beth:11? we gotta be at the airport at 4

viv:i don't wanna go home

beth:oh you don't now

viv:no, but i'm glad i'm not playing against you in the euros

beth:i'll call u everyday

viv:ok lievred

beth:night viv

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