morning dessert

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vivs pov:

when i woke up this morning beth wasn't next to me. i was still in the same position i fell asleep in but instead of beth there was a note. the note said "gone to shops to get pancake mix for breakfast, wait in bed and i'll bring it too you love you x"

i smiled at the note then looked at the time to see it was 8 o clock. i was wondering if she was still out until i saw the door open with beth holding a tray come through to the bedroom.

beth:good morning

viv:this is so sweet

beth:i tried my best how do they taste?

i cut up a bit of the fluffy pancake covered in honey and put it in my mouth.

viv:actually quite good

beth:glad to hear 

viv:where's your breakfast?

beth:had a cereal bar on the way to the shop

viv:nah uh open up

i cut off a piece of pancake and held her chin and out the fork in front of her face

beth:i made this for you though

viv:eat beth

she bit into the pancake then lent on my shoulder

beth:i am good at pancakes 

viv:you really are, so any plans for our day in

beth:when do u have to get back

viv:8 because of team briefing 

beth:i don't know then! have lunch at 12:30 but for now do you just wanna watch a movie or something

viv:well,where's this shop

beth:down the street why?

viv:i'm gonna buy some stuff and how about we make a cheesecake for lunch later

beth:sounds like a plan

she kissed me on the lips and pulled back and smiled at me

beth:your lips taste like honey 

viv:so do yours

once i had gotten back from the shop beth had gotten out all the tools we needed. i was leading the making while beth most of the time watched as she had no idea what to do. i felt a bit bad 

viv:wanna mix?


she took the whisk and started mixing it very slowly which was a pain to watch.

viv:no no beth, you mix it like this

with her hand still on the whisk i placed mine on top of her and guided her hand quicker to show her how to mix it. 

beth:this good?

she said after mixing for a minute


she flicked the whisk out the bowl making some of the mixture splat on the counter and her face, only a little bit but it made me laugh a lot.

viv:your so stupid

beth:shut up

i wiped the bit of her face a licked it of my finger continuing to look at her

beth:that was hot

viv:says the girl who just told me to shut up

we layer down the biscuits then the cream and put it in the fridge for it to cool for and hour or two

beth:you make a good baker

viv:thank you

beth:i wish i could bake 

viv:you can't be good at everything beth,leave the cooking to me and you can do all your things i'm not good at

beth:like what?

viv:being romantic

beth:really viv

viv:yes! i'm either flirting or awkward

beth laughed at me while putting the bowl in the skins and started cleaning it off. i went up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist. i slowly started to kiss her neck which i saw made her blush.

beth:your good at that

she turned around so she was facing me out faces just inches apart

beth:how long till lunch 

viv:half an hour


she started kissing which took me by surprise but it wasn't long until i started getting into it too. she started un buttoning my jeans and i took of her top.

viv:i love you so much 

beth :please viv can we go to the bedroom 

viv:be patient

i said as i started kissing her neck again

beth:viv please


beth:i need you 

i moved away and looked her up and down. i couldn't wait any longer too. i picked her up and sat her on the kitchen counter.

beth:what you doing?

viv:fucking you on the kitchen counter

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