back in my room

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vivs pov:

what just happened. i was back in my room just laying on my bed. i just had sex with beth. i didn't know what to do with myself.  i was just laying on my bed staring at the ceiling until i heard the door open 

jordon:you ok viv?

viv:i think so

jordon:you think so?

viv:close the door jordon, what im about to tell you must never leave this room.

jordon closed the door and sat down next to me

viv:you must never tell anyone this ok

jordon:mhm, wait what happened to your neck



viv:what do you think happened

jordon:i don't know im waiting for you to tell me

viv:you really are clueless aren't you

jordon:viv just tell me

viv: i um, i had sex with beth


viv:shut up jordon 

there was a knock and i went to open it and it was steph and jen.

steph:these walls are thin you know

jen:jordon you need to be quiet some people are trying to sleep of a hungover

jordon:i um

viv:she'll keep it down

steph:mhm ok

before steph and jen could leave beth walked into the room

jen :hey beth we were just telling jordon to shut up, i need to go sleep

beth:oh ok bye, jordon why were you shouting

jordon:i don't know

beth: uh ok, hey viv

viv: h- um hey

jordon: ok i need to remove myself from the situation immediately i'm going to find kim

beth:erm ok jordon

jordon closed the door so it was just me and beth. she came and sat down next to me

beth:what was that about

viv:well she saw my neck and she kinda found out about... you know


viv:your not mad are you

beth:oh god no, she'll forget it soon

i laughed slightly

beth:i enjoyed today though

viv:so did i, i mean i was more then a little nervous

beth: you were more then fine viv

i gave her a kiss on a cheek making her smile

beth: anyway everyone is going out to a club tonight you in

viv:of course i'm in

beth:great,i'm gonna go make sure kim is alright her and jordon alone don't make a good match 

she got up and gave me a kiss, only a peck and left the room.

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