chapter 2:cafe

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we all arrived at the cafe it was only a small one just a 5 minute drive from the training centre. me beth jen and kim were there, some of the other girls couldnt come with. we ordered our drinks along with some crisps to share.

jen:girls holiday to ibiza,we all in?

kim:sounds good

jen:great, sorting seats on the plane, whos sitting with who, ive sotred it with the other girls and they have already choosen, only us left

beth: i dont mind unless i dont get aisle, i need the aisle

kim:same here

jen:viv how bout you

me:i dont really care to be honest window or aisle

jen:alright how about i sit next to kimmy and viv your on window next to beth?

beth:sounds good

beth looks at me and smiles. she had dimples which i had never noticed till now. yet again ive never really noticed anything about her before. we had both been so wrapped up in our own relationships we had never had time to bond.

after about 20 minutes we paid for our food and jen gave kim a lift home and beth gave me one back to my apartment. she pulls outside and turns to me.

beth:do you want to meet up at the weekend i would like to get to know you more?

me:yes of course thatll be great.

beth:great ill send over details tomorrow.

me:see you then

i get out the car and start heading to the door. itll be nice to spend more time with beth, i like creating new bonds with people and beth seems like the type of peron i could become really good friends with. plus it would be nice to get closer to her before our holiday away with girls to ibiza in the summer.

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