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vivs pov:

beth:got everything?

she sat down next to me on the sofa as i put my phone in the front zip of the back pack i took with me.


beth:i don't want you to leave

viv:i don't  want to leave either, i'll call you everyday okay?


viv:do you not want me too

beth:i'd rather you be next to me all the time instead of on my phone

viv:i'll miss you too 

as i got up off the sofa and grabbed my bag beth grabbed some shoes a slipped them on

viv:what you doing?

beth:i'm not gonna let you go on the train all the way back by yourself

viv:beth,your not going home by yourself though

beth:viv,let me have this we'll have more time together too

viv:fucks sake beth


viv:keep on call with me on the way back though okay 

beth:of course

i gave her a kiss and grabbed her out from the hook next to me.

viv:take a coat at least 

i wrapped it round her and took her hand and opened the door


she pulled me back through the door and gave me a hug around the waist

viv:what's this for

 beth:dunno just wanted to hug you in here

viv:comon we gotta go

our fingers interlocked and we headed out the door.

the train was pretty quiet only about 3 other people in our carriage. we didn't say much we just kept holding on to eachother hands occasionally looking at eachother and giving eachother a smile. 

the stop stopped at birmingham which all 3 people got off at so it was only me and beth in the carriage. it was about 6pm by this time and about 1 hour and 15 minutes left of the journey.

beth:you okay

viv:yeah,your here

beth let go of my hand and reached into her pocket max pulled out a little chocolate bar.

beth:so your not hungry 

viv:i'm not hungry

beth:split it?

i grabbed the chocolate bar and opened up. i split it in half and gave beth the bigger piece which thankfully she didn't notice. 

beth:i love you 

viv:i love you too

she has a bit of chocolate around her mouth which i wiped off for her and laughed.

viv:your quite messy

beth:shut up

viv:just saying 

she pulled me in for a kiss which was short but full of love and sent butterflies through me.

viv:i'm gonna miss those

it was about two hours later and we had arrived at my hotel and beth walked me to the front.

beth:i'm really gonna miss you

viv:it's not for that long

beth:but i am

i could see a tear forming in her eye which made me feel even worse than i did

viv:please don't cry it's only like 25 days


viv:i love you

beth:i love you too

i gave a kiss and she left.

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