Beths room

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vivs pov:

it's 1:26,4 minutes until i need to be in beths room. i don't know why i feel nervous, i just i didn't know what was going to happen. i changed into joggers and a t shirt with a sports bra underneath and tied my hair up into a bun. by that time it was 1:29. was it to early to go in or should i wait and be late. this was shortly resolved by a text from beth. "come now kim's out" 

i left my room and knocked on beths door, it took a while for her to open it which was a bit weird.

viv:you took your ti-

i was cut of by beth kissing me which was quite surprising.

viv:hi to you too

beth:please come in 

i walked into a her room past and sat on her bed with my back against the head board. i was still quite confused why she wanted me to come to her room.

viv:so why am i here beth

beth:i don't know, why do you want to be here

viv:don't play with me beth

beth:i'm not im just asking

viv:i'm here because you told me to be here

she laughed. she was just leaning against the door. she was wearing back shorts and a white t shirt which a little to big for her,you could just about see the edge of the bottom of her shorts.

she started making her way towards me, standing now next to the bed looking down at me. she climbed on top of my lap our faces just centimetres away from eachother.

viv:what are you doing beth

beth:i'm getting you back for these hickeys on me

viv:so your gonna give me a hickey

beth:i'm gonna do a lot more then that

before i could say anything else she kissed me. quite a slow one before looking at me again.

viv:i like the sound of that 

i put my hand on the back of her neck and kissed her again. this time it was quicker but still equally as romantic. before she could start kissing my neck i started kissing hers in the exact same place i did this morning

beth:this isn't how it's supposed to play out 

i ignored her and carried on. she slipped her hands underneath her t shirt, they were cold as always but i didn't bother me. i moved back and smiled, i knew what she wanted me to do. i took off my top so i just had my sports bra covering me.

beth started kissing my neck, it felt amazing, i never knew she would be this good. she pulled back and just smiled at me.

viv:i like you getting me back

beth: trust me, i haven't even started yet

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