13. The 'Sue' Game

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Bella Reynolds

"What the fuck is wrong with everyone? You are getting married. Why, Amy? Wait, no. When? And how does Adam knows about it?"

"First, you need to calm down, Bells," Amy says from the other side of the phone.

The moment Adam left, I went straight to my room and called Amy. I can't believe Adam dropped the bomb on me about my one and only cousin's wedding.

I feel like an idiot. Why am I the last person to know the important things?

"You know Luke. I told you about him once, remember? The one you were too busy to meet," she asks sassily.

"The guy you are dating. You are marrying him. I figured that much myself. Tell me how does Adam know about you getting married?" I try to keep my voice calm.

"Well, you are a smart girl. Figure that out too," she challenges me.

"Listen, Amy, I am not in the mood for your silly games. How the hell did Adam know before me? Just tell me-wait"

"Fucking finally," Amy says excitedly.

And it clicked just then. How can I be so stupid? Luke is the name of the guy Amy is dating. Marrying. And Adam has a cousin named Luke Carrington. The one who has the majority of shares in Glacier Co.

Shit. Amy has been dating my sworn enemy's cousin this whole time. Now I want to die. Adam must be laughing at me right now because I am such a stupid bitch who doesn't even know the guy her cousin's dating.

"You and Luke Carrington. God, this is too much to take in. Why didn't you ever tell me he was Adam's cousin?" I ask blankly.

"I didn't know that either until some time ago. I wanted to tell you, but you were so worried about Rendell and the case. I was going to tell you after you won the case, but then Luke proposed and I said yes. Sorry, cuz."

"Amy, don't apologize. It's not your fault that I was too busy to meet your boyfriend. Just fix a meeting with Luke whenever he is free. I'd like to meet him before I decide if he is good enough for you," her apology seems genuine, so I should drop my cold bitch act too.

"Oh, that makes me so happy. Thank you for understanding. Love you," she says at top of her voice.

I think that's how all brides-to-be act. I didn't act so girlish though. I don't even remember being that happy. Well, nobody was happy.

"Am I the last one to know about the wedding?" I know the answer, but I still ask.

"Kind of. Adam wasn't supposed to open his mouth you know. I don't know why he told you."

I know why he opened his stupid mouth. He wanted to see me clueless which he definitely did. That evil bastard.

"Forget Adam. He can go fuck himself. Let's just talk about the wedding in detail when we meet. I know you are excited, but just give me time until the next trial. Hopefully, everything will be settled by then," I tell her.

"Yeah, okay. I will send you a picture of my ring in the morning. My diamond ring," she brags like a little girl which gets her a laugh from me. She is a year older than me but acts like a fifteen-year-old.

"Alright. Get some sleep."

With that, I cut the call.

The next day is even worse. Rendell came to the house almost thirty minutes late. Shocker. His story keeps changing. He brought Mia Jacobs with him. She kept supporting him the whole time. Even Rendell's uncle came. He was sober. Thank God.

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