17. Elevator Fiasco

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Adam Walton

"The book was much better. The only good part about the movie is the lead actors."

Today was supposed to be the next trial. It got postponed due to the absence of counsel, so Allegra and I ended up watching the Notebook. The next trial will happen in two weeks from now.

I was kinda disappointed as I didn't get to see Cherry today. The moment of her looking at my lips is still fresh in my mind. And the way she defended herself after I caught her in the act was bloody cute.

"The Notebook is a hit movie. You can't insult it, Adam," Allegra protests. "You didn't even like the rain kiss? Please tell me you did," she adds.

"Who kisses in the rain? I don't understand why people want to kiss while they are soaked," I admit.

I hate rain. It makes me uncomfortable. I wonder if my favorite attorney likes the rain.

"Just because you don't like rain doesn't mean it's gross to kiss in the rain. It's romantic. You are such a boring person. Oh wait, is it because you are sensitive and get sick when it's raining?" She angrily gets up from the sofa.

"That's not the reason. I just don't like rain. Get over it, sister," I stand up from my seat.

"I just don't get it. How can you not like this scene? The Notebook is your favorite book and you don't like the most iconic scene in it. That is strange," she raises an eyebrow in confusion.

I get ready to leave without answering when Aiden enters the TV lounge.

"What are you two shouting about? I can hear your voices in my room," he says dryly.

"Great timing, Aid. Tell Adam that it's romantic to kiss under the rain," Allegra urges.

"Romantic? Rain? What world do you live in? I am the last person you should be talking to about romance," he cringes.

I snort which gets me a glare from Allegra. "What is wrong with you two? I'm starting to believe you both aren't my brothers. I'll go talk to Brooke before I do something I regret later," she snaps and leaves the room.

"What is your lazy ass doing here?" I ask Aiden.

"What, I can't come downstairs?" He complains.

"The only reason you get out of your precious room is when either Christian is here or Mom calls you."

"The latter. Mom wanted me to remind you about the opening of her art gallery, Florence. She wants me to make sure you come. No questions asked," he repeats Mother's words.

"I will be there, however, I won't be staying long," I confess.

I only attend art exhibitions because of my mom. Art exhibitions are the only time our whole family is present in the same place.

"You might want to rethink your decision about not staying long. Your favorite criminal defense lawyer is coming. Mom invited her," he smirks.

He knows he got me with his last sentence. Bastard. Well, that is brand new information for me. Bella will be there. What a delight.

"Really? How very interesting," I reply uninterestingly.

"We all know you are head over heels for that billionaire attorney. No need to hide it," he winks and leaves.

Why does my whole family keep reminding me about my affection for Bella? It's getting on my nerves. I'm losing my reputation as a tough man in the family. And it's only because I desire her. What if I was in love with her? She would have brought me to my knees.

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