Chapter 8: The Big Day! Celebration Awaits!

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Before anyone knew it, the big day had come, today would be a day that nobody forgets

It was already 10 in the morning, everyone had already got up and started preparing for the big day, chefs were already cooking meals for the night, the stage had been set, lights been primed, Pokemon had been trained, entertainment had been prepared

Team Rocket had set up camp to watch the fireworks before they eventually set back to base to get yelled at, or worse...

"Hey Jessie, perhaps we could disguise ourselves to get in and eat" says James before he looked to Jessie, who was still getting worried, she started feeling sick in the stomach

"I don't... Know if I could eat... It feels as if today is going to be bad..." Says Jessie worried

"Don't worry ya princess, its just that our nemesis has become champion of the world and is now having a celebration despite all our efforts to take his most beloved Pokemon" says Meowth before getting picked and thrown into a tree by James

"We don't need the reminder you feline dimwit!" Yells James

Meowth would slowly fall down the tree comedically

"Sorry..." Says Meowth finally hitting the ground

"No... Its not that... It... I can't explain it..." Says Jessie

"Don't worry, once we get passed the boss we can start doing better, trainers with no experience, they'll fall for us" says James trying to cheer her up, which didn't work...

POV switch to Inside Professor Oak's Lab

The Professors had met up with the champions, they began getting their speech's down, each one represents their regions, Lance having the most work

"On behalf of the Kanto and Johto regions, I, Lance congratulate Ash Ketchum on becoming World Champion, and at such a young age" announced Lance as he tried to keep a stoic voice up

"You don't sound like you do this very often" chuckled Cynthia

"I don't" says Lance bluntly...

In another room...

"Will this outfit work?" Asked Professor Kukui as Professor Burnet started started bursting out laughing looking at his attire

"What? This is a genuine question..." Said Kukui as Burnet started calming down

"Hun, I don't think wearing your 'Masked Royal' outfit will work for this event" giggled Burnet, to which kukui groaned

Professor Oak had started preparing not only himself, but Gary aswell, both intending on giving Ash a new Pokemon

"Its a fine Pokemon Gary, I'm sure he'll like it" comforted Oak as Gary reassured himself

"Yeah, today will be a day to remember!" Says Gary determined and happy

"It wasn't so long ago that you two didn't like each other very much, that rivalry was a good thing for the both of you" stated Oak laughing

Gary would start laughing with him...

POV switch to Ghota

"Beedrill use Poison Sting" ordered Jenny as they attempted to get the grunt to talk

"Please... Stop..." Said the grunt, the alcohol fully wore off

"Not until you give us Intel, Team Rocket has been capturing Legendary Pokemon and we want to know why" stated Ghota bluntly, not showing any remorse

"I can't tell those secrets, they'll find me if I do!" Says the Grunt panicking

"Beedrill, use bug bite" ordered Jenny as the grunt continued to be questioned

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