Chapter 9: Sombre Realization, Regretful Initiation

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'Hi Ash! Congratulations on becoming World Champion! I've been taking care of the Cerulean Gym as you know and my sisters have kinda become fangirls of yours, although unfortunately they won't be able to come to the Celebration, who knew that the Inexperienced Trainer who I fished up back then was going to eventually become the Monarch? Crazy right? Anyways, me and Brock have some specially ordered made gifts for you, authentic gifts from an old friend of ours, not telling you what they are of course. I still can't get over the fact that you won, I'm personally glad to see that you have not only grown as a trainer, but as a person, although I won't know how much you've grown until I see you again, at that point we could have another battle? I hope the event will be even better for you then it'll be for us, We will see you soon! Don't know when 'soon' is, but soon. Bye!'



"WHAT! How is he alive!" yelled Giovanni

"I don't know either, but I have security on standby waiting on your order" says Matori

"Wait a minute, what ARE they doing bringing him in here? I know they wouldn't betray me, If they wanted to they would have done so ages ago?" asked Giovanni

Matori doesn't know the answer, she just hit the button and called the guards to bring them in

"Attention all agents! Intruders have been spotted in the building! I repeat, Intruders are in the building, capture them and bring them into the Bosses quarters!" Yells Matori, speaking throughout the building

Before the group knew it they we're surrounded by agents, however the Rocket Trio had a plan...

"Don't worry, we captured them already, go on, shoo, we're taking them to the boss ourselves" says Meowth

Matori had forgot to mention that the Trio were with the intruders

"Sorry, the Bosses room is on the top floor, take a left at the elevator" says the grunt

"Thank you" says Jessie

"Move it" says James bumping Ash lightly

The group continued to walk upstairs, succeeding in reaching the door to Giovanni's room

(Knock Knock Knock)

"Come in" orders Matori expecting her agents to bring the group in, instead seeing only the 5 enter, much to their shock and disgust

"Ash Ketchum, you should b-" Giovanni was cut off

"I wish to join Team Rocket" flatly says Ash not caring what Giovanni wanted to say

This caught the both of them off guard, eventually Giovanni started to laugh

"You expect me to believe that? you have thwarted my plans ever since I met you, what reason would you ever have to join Team Rocket?" Asks Giovanni trying to humour Ash before sicking the entire building on him

"Because this is the best way of getting revenge on those that killed my family" says Ash

Giovanni was confused, HE killed Ash's family, even set up Ditto's to frame his friends-

Then it hit him

Giovanni's Ditto plan might not have worked on framing Ash's friends to the law, but this may have accidently worked on Ash, he had to test his theory out

"And who are these people who killed your family?" asked Giovanni knowing damn well who it was

"Those traitors I called friends, I saw them smiling as the building burnt, those smiles... they saw my family perish, they saw me laying there slowly dying... and they smiled... I know they had to have done it, there was no-one else around" says Ash

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