Chapter 12: Dancing with Fate

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'Hey Ash! Been a while! When was the last time we saw each other? Sinnoh? Anyways, I saw your victory against Leon on TV during one of my collaboration performances with Lisia and Serena, who surprised me by knowing you personally, anyway, I will be in Kanto soon, Max won't be far behind me, once I arrive we can both hang out like we used to, hopefully Brock can join us, it would be like old times, anyways, l can't wait to see you again, bye!!!'



"Team Rocket... They will pay..." Says Ghota angrily as he grabbed something from his desk drawer, finding some paper and a pen

"Perfect" says Ghota as he start to write something on the paper

'Dear kids, I'm sorry that I had to leave so suddenly like this, this house will always be available for you, Tracey will send each of you a key to this place soon, anyways, I'm off to avenge my family, you all keep doing what you do best, I have high hopes for all of you, please, stay safe

-Ghota Ketchum'

Ghota sneakily made his way downstairs where he posted the note on the door and went outside, only to be met with Tracey

"Oh... Your still awake" asked Ghota

"Yes... I couldn't sleep, not after all that's happened..." Said Tracey

"Your a trustworthy kid, please, take care of everyone, I'm going to find and destroy Team Rocket" says Ghota

"Mr. Ketchum, I understand your frustration, but maybe we need a little more time to plan this ou-" Tracey got cut off

"We? No... You need to stay safe, It would destroy me to know another person was killed because of my actions, let alone a family friend" said Ghota

"That's not what I meant, what I meant by 'we' is that the entirety of Kanto and Johto, we need to make a plan" says Tracey

Ghota couldn't protest, he truly didn't have a plan, he would find the headquarters, but then what? Sure he had the Champions on his side, but they're still plenty outnumbered, plus Team Rocket has legendaries captive, who knows what they're doing to them?

"I... They need to pay..." Says Ghota

"Of course, and they will, we just need some time" says Tracey

"What do you have in mind..." Asked Ghota

"Once we find out where their headquarters are, we need the help of the entire police force, which will be easier said then done, the other villainous teams are still around, and they'll need to be taken care of first" says Tracey

"Actually... There is something about that, when I first heard about the bombs being planted in Samuel's laboratory, the grunt who spilled the information also told me that it wasn't the only place to be blown up that night, have you seen the news lately?" Asked Ghota

"No... I really just focused on what happened here" said Tracey, still with tears

"Well, they apparently also targeted many other groups, Team Aqua, Magma, Galactic, Plasma, Flare and Skull, there were another two teams that have caught their attention but they aren't exactly a threat according to them" says Ghota

"Who?" Asked Tracey

"I didn't hear their names, but one is apparently just a fan club and the other is just a group of delinquent students" said Ghota

"Well then... I can't stop you from doing what you think is best, but please, keep in contact with me throughout" asked Tracey

"I... I don't know..." Says Ghota

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