Part 16: Meowth's Connection...

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'Simply delectable, a new flavour for everyone to enjoy at last, it's been a journey I can imagine, congratulations Ash, that win against Leon is sure to liven up many parts of the world, I remember when you were in Unova with me and Iris, I can imagine Trip must be absolutely amazed and annoyed at this, your rivalry with him always made you improve, anyways, enough about that, I'm genuinely ecstatic about your win, I was watching you live on TV with my friend Brock, great guy, you should meet him sometime! You should return to Unova soon, we can try to relive the old adventures we had, of course Iris would agree no hesitation, anyways, I'm attending your party in Kanto, I wouldn't miss it for the world, congrats once again, may fortune be with you always!'



"Orthworm use Iron Tail on the Ralts!" Yelled the girl

"Worm!" Screeched the Earthworm as it went in for a hit

"Ralts dodge and use Confusion" ordered Ash

Ralts Dodged just slightly and began to attack the Orthworm mentally

"Tyranitar use-" Gary was cut off

"Tauros use Close Combat on the Tyranitar!" yelled the girl as the Tauros rammed right into the Tyranitar, knocking it out immediately due to it's massive weakness

"Damn, alright then, go Hatterene!" Yelled Gary as he released the Silent Pokemon

"Now use Psycho Cut!" Yelled Gary as Hatterene begin slashing at Tauros, it dodging effortlessly

"Nice try, Tauros use Iron Head!" Commanded the girl as the bull began to rush at them once again

"Hatterene Dazzling Gleam!" yelled Gary

"Hatte!" Said Hatterene as both Tauros and Orthworm got damaged, the Tauros more heavily damaged and missing it's attack

"Now Ralts use Confusion on the Tauros!" Yelled Ash as the Bull began getting attacked mentally, slowly being worn down"

"Orthworm, Iron Tail!" Ordered the girl

"Hatterene use yourself as a shield for Ralts!" ordered Gary

"Slither Around it!" Yelled the girl as the Earthworm Pokemon effortlessly ignored the Hatterene, hitting the Ralts dead centre

"Ralt-!" Cried Ralts as it hit the wall behind it, hanging on by a thread

"Damn, alright, Ralts, return" said Ash as he pulled out another Pokemon

"Shelgon!" Ordered Ash as the now half evolved Pokemon appeared

"Now Shelgon, Dragon Claw on that Orthworm!" yelled Ash

"Shel-Gon!" yelled the Shelgon as it began to pelt the Earthworm Pokemon with massive swipes

"Tauros, Get that Shelgon off Orthworm with Raging Bull!" yelled the girl

The Tauros began to charge at the Shelgon, ready to break down it's defences

"Hatterene, Psycho cut!" commanded Gary

Hatterene began to pick up the bull and throw it to the other side of the room, it fainting from the super-effective attack

"Good job Tauros, take a well deserved rest, Rabsca, take 'em out the Hatterene with Bug Buzz!" said the girl

"Sca!" Said the Beetle Pokemon as it began pelting Hatterene with, lowering it's special defence

"Orthworm, try to shake off that Shelgon!" Ordered the girl

The Orthworm shook around violently, eventually freeing itself from Shelgon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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