Chapter 13: Back to the Basics

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'Ash! I saw you on TV alongside May and another friend of yours! You were awesome! I hope you haven't forgotten about our battle once I get my first Pokemon! Anyways, congrats on becoming Monarch, I'll be arriving in Pallet Town shortly after May does, I have a question I'd like to ask you, but that can wait until I see you in person again, I'll see you then!'




(Riiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, riiiiiiiiiiiiiing)

The noise was enough to wake Ash up, he opened his eyes to see Gary turning the alarm off

"Damn, didn't realize it was THAT loud" said Gary as he had already showered and gotten changed into his usual attire

Ash got up and rubbed his eyes

'What the hell was that?' Thought Ash as he went to grab his uniform, as he currently didn't have any other clothes aside from that traitor ridden outfit given to him by May

'I need to get rid of that thing' thought Ash as he slowly got up and went to the bathroom to change

Ash came out in his uniform, having fully awoken from his nap, and was actually pretty excited, this is the first positive emotion he has felt since that day

"So Gary, you ready?" Asked Ash as he looked to his Pokemon who he let sleep out of their balls for the night, all smirking towards Ash in excitement

"You're right I am Ashy-Boy!" Smiled Gary

Ash upon hearing that name again groaned

"Wait, where's the other three?" Asked Ash

"They're already preparing the floor for us, turns out the training floor isn't used very often" said Gary

"Explains a lot" said Ash thinking to how many times he defeated Team Rocket

"You five ready?" Asked Ash


The group cheered in excitement, eager to battle

"Perfect" said Ash as he took out his Pokeballs and returned the five of them

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go" said Gary

Ash nodded excitedly

It wouldn't take them to reach the Training floor since they overheard Giovanni talking about it whilst they were being briefed

"Well look who finally decided to wake up" said Meowth as he saw the two walk in

"Mr. Sleeperino himself, fifthteen hours of sleep, wish I could do that" said James

"Quit it you two, he was obviously tired from overworking" snarled Jessie

"Alright, first order of business, Ash, your Sneasel is tough, we saw that yesterday, I wish to see what else it can do" said Gary as he grabbed one of the Pokeballs from his belt

"Go Blastoise!" Yelled Gary releasing his starter

"I'm also curious, go Sneasel!" Yelled Ash released the speedy Pokemon

"Alright, first we'll start off with dodging, its essential for winning battles, you know this as much as I do, Blastoise, aim your cannons at Sneasel" said Gary as Blastoise locked on to Sneasel

"Alright Sneasel, the goal here is to dodge as much as you can" said Ash

"Sel" smirked Sneasel

"Alright then, Blastoise, Use Hydro Cannon!" Yelled Gary

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