~¿\.a new arrival./?~

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock once again I turn to look at my phone after I shut off the alarm seeing how early it is

"Ughh.. why so early!"
I groaned as I sat up in my bed as I heard another form of a wake up call AKA someone knocking on my door

"Y/n get up and get ready briefing in 15 better see you there soon!"

I heard soaps voice on the other side of the door sure he was my best friend but I'm irritated to hear him right now..I than grab my gear and slip everything on I tie my boots and tie my hair into a ponytail I quickly ran out of the door and made my way to the briefing I walk into the room seeing everyone there but a new face here well not really a face as he was a very large man wearing a hood?

"Sorry I'm late sir I woke up a tad late.."

"It's fine Y/n just hurry up and take a seat I have to discuss what is going to happen in a few days"

Price said a hint of urgency in his voice I gazed at ghost he just shrugged his shoulders I quickly sat down as I felt the other masked mans eyes burn into the back of my head it caused me to shudder..

"Okay everyone we will be leaving for Mexico in a week so get your training up and we will have a temporary new member as a sniper everyone say hello to könig"

I arched my neck to look into the mans eyes he was a fucking GIANT I have never seen a man as big and scary as him well ghost but this man was much taller than him he is a skyscraper compared to the rest of us he must be like a super soldier or something..

"König huh Du Deutsch?

It almost made me giggle as I watched him crank his head down to look at me he nodded he must not be much of a talker..

Ja, du sprichst Deutsch?

His eyes lit up his grey eyes practically staring into my soul

Yeah I do big guy your fucking huge dude no offense but god damn

I chuckled as I placed my hand on his shoulder I felt someones eyes burning into my head i recognize it anywhere it's ghost staring at me his stare makes me want to piss myself he is terrifying but in a sexy way I can't help but feel drawn to him he feels so mysterious I need to know more about him and I need to know now

"N-none taken.."

"Alright if you say so!"
I took my hand off of könig and I turned around to see Simon I mean ghost staring at me not at my face now but at my body!?
This confused me so much but his stare now felt so much more intimate and lust filled I bit my lip at the thought as I stared into ghost eyes I giggled as I watched him snap out of his trance he quickly looked away it was adorable

"I'm going to the workout room if anyone wants to join me I don't want to be alone and bored"

I walked past Simon my hand intentionally grazing his hand in a teasing matter I giggled as I saw him almost snap his neck to look at me it was hilarious I was struggling to keep in my laugh so I only let out a small giggle

"Ill join you Y/n I'm free anytime!"
I hear soap say I nodded as I continue my walk to the workout room..

×~\.SIMOMS POV./~×

She grazed my hand even at the slightest touch of her made me want to faint sure it was pathetic soap knew I had a little 'thing' for Y/n but I don't really know how else I feel about her she makes my heart thump my breath tighten and my mind goes blank whenever I'm around her what is this feeling why do I want to throw up do I smell bad? Wait what Simon just shrug it off she's just a girl she can't do anything to you why do you feel this way you pathetic man! I watched her walk away my heart sank I wanted her near me I wanted to take in her smell and get lost in those e/c eyes forever she's just so... Perfect


I began doing a few stretches before jumping onto a pull up bar and doing a few reps until my arms felt numb I decided to go on the treadmill for a while I set it onto a jogging speed deciding it's good enough for me I jogged for about an hour or two I lost track of time I could just feel the pain in my legs at this point I turned off the treadmill and went to the nearest punching bag I threw hits and kicked it many times I didn't stop until my knuckles bled which made me laugh as I saw little drops of blood fall from my hand not a lot just a small stinging sensation I wrapped up my hand and cleaned up the mess on the floor I decided to go lift some weights so I went to the dumbbells I went to at least the thirty pound one so I could struggle a bit when I was lifting it I didn't stop until my whole body was sore it was a stupid idea I know but I still had to spar with soap where is he anyway?

I looked around the room soap no where to be seen but I saw someone else ghost I was nervous to ask him to spar with me for some reason it's just a few words and a big scary man that you've been messing with for a while what could possibly go wrong?
I walked up to him sweat dripping down his toned and scared body damn he was built like an ox a man built for war he was an absolute tank

"Hey uh I was wondering if you could spar with me ghost if that's not a problem"

"Sure will you last longer this time I don't want to accidently kill you"

"I will literally hand you your own ass"

"Prove it on the mat than pretty girl"

He chuckled.. he chuckled!? Damn he was teasing me back how ironic he was going to beat my ass I knew that for a fact it scared me but I felt adrenaline fill me as I prepared to spar against him

"You know the rules" he said

"There are no rules give me all you got"

We both got into fighting stances I guessed he was going to throw the first hit he did of course he lunged at me trying to punch me I doged and hit him in his abdomen he grunted but standing like he was unfaded he turned around and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder making me hit the ground and hiss in pain I kicked his leg making him get off of me I took this as an advantage to jump on top of him which I did he grabbed my legs and pulled me down making my knees hit the floor I stood up and leaped away from him trying to put some distance between us so I could plan my next move he lunged at me again but I ducked under his legs I than jumped onto his back and climbed his shoulders squeezing his neck with my thighs to choke him he gripped onto my thighs trying to pull me off of him but it was no luck as I brought him to his knees he slammed onto his back making me grunt and tighten my grip on him he pinched my thigh which made me gasp and loosen my hold on him he took this as an advantage and grabbed my ankles and turned us both around so I was on my stomach and he was on top of me pinning my arms against my back as he straddled my upper legs

"Fucking-a yeild already damnit"

"Okay okay I yeild ghost you win.."

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