late night barbeque

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Well I would like to know how you all feel about the story so far I know it's not much but it's spring break so I'm trying to do updates every day but feel free to leave comments and tell me what you think anywho back to the story


I wake up In my bed. Huh I was just in Simon's car what even happened I don't remember coming back to my room last night. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door it though it wasn't loud it was soft and gentle

"Come in.."

Simon walked into the room holding a tray

"Y/n you uh you seemed tired so I made you some breakfast..."

"Aw that's sweet of you come in don't just stand there let's hangout for a bit!"

"Okay uh where should I put this"

"Right here on the nightstand"


"Well uh I have a Tv in here would you like to watch some movies??"

"Uh uhm.. sure I'd like that"

"Simon are you okay you"

"Hm yeah I just have some things on my mind"

"Talk to me I can help you out!"

"Here come sit down with me tell me what's going on while I turn on a movie"

"Uh okay.."

"So tell me what's on your mind Simon?"

"Well I honestly don't know there are so many things going on and I feel..lost?"

"I just don't know what to do like there is this person that uh.."

"Does Simon Ghost Riley have a crush on someone!?"

"What no that's childish!"

"It's not childish Simon"

"It is very childish it's stupid why would I have a 'crush' on someone that's just dumb"

"Tell me who it is than!"

"No not a chance"


"Nope I'm not going to tell you no matter how many times you ask"

"C'mon your no fun!"

"I'm plenty of fun buy me a drink first"

"I could ask price if we all could go to a bar or buy a shit ton of alcohol for a bbq"

"A barbeque sounds great right now I haven't been to one in YEARS"

"Well I have been to like one sure I wasn't invited I just showed up there and drank all of their drinks"

"Now that's just EVIL"

"No it's nott"


"Could you go ask price if we could have a barbeque pleasee"

"It was your idea you should ask"

"Pleasee Simonn"

"..ugh fine"

"Thanks si!!"


"What it's a nickname"

"Whatever I'll be right back"

He walked out of my room and he went to prices office I'm sure he would say yes he's been complaining about how bored he has been so why not have some fun every once in a while??

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