questioning situations

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⚠️ completely smut chapter ONLY SMUT CHAPTER ⚠️

my friend will be writing this chapter so have fun yall

Context!!: Ghost is drunk after a party, and he wants to take you home.

"Y/n.." he growled, staring at your figure, drinking in the shape of your face and your body with a drunken haze. He rose off his seat, his hard member making his pants fit tighter. He grabbed your face, making you match his gaze. "Lovely." He whispered under his breath, making you gulp. His eyes traveled down to your mouth,

"God I want to ruin that pretty face of your's darling.." You should feel your hole tighten and slick, just at the feeling of his hand on the rim of your face. His breathing was hitched, and his hands were traveling down your hips to the rim of your panties, already sneaking around the elastic band.

"God you sweet little thing.."
You gulped as he wrapped his other hand around your throat, just enough to slow your quick breathing as his other hand traveled down.

"Simon you're drunk.."

"No darling, I will remember everything I do to you, darling.."


"Shh. Try to stay quiet for me sweet girl, let me take care of you." He pulled his mask up‚ revealing stubble as he pulled you into an almost hungry kiss.  He backed you onto the bed as he finally peeled your soaking panties off, his warm rough hands slipping into your folds. He started to force your mouth open with his tongue, making the skin around your mouth slick.
     The wet panties around your ankles were pulled off as he forced your legs to open. His hot breath made the skin on your inner thighs collect goosebumps. He took his hand from your folds to massage them away, making your legs tremble. "You're shaking sweetheart. Is this what I do to you?"

"God please Simon don't tease me.."

"shh, you will get what you want soon enough sweet thing.." his hands trailed down my body sending shivers down my spine I arch myself toward him but he pinned my body back down.

He put one of his fingers inside of me earning a small gasp come from my mouth

"Oh, you sweet little thing you like that don't you god you're so needy for me, Princess"

"Simon please I can't wait anymore.."

"sweet little thing I'm going to ruin you darling.."

He pulled off his pants and his boxers followed afterward I stared at him in awe as I felt the heat from just looking at his adrenaline rushing through me I couldn't wait anymore I craved him

"Oh, you sweet girl are you ready for this..?"

"Simon please oh my God I can't take it anymore, please..."

He lined his cock up to my entrance gliding it over my folds to get it slick with my juices

"God Princess I can tell how tight you are fuck.."


He pushed the tip inside of me slowly. He thrust deeper inside of me until the full length was inside. We both gasped from the pressure already rising inside of us both. He thrusted deeper inside of my hole he whimpered doing so

"Holy fuck..your so tight darling"

"God please keep going!!"

He thrust into me in a hard merciless pace sending a slight stinging sensation as his balls hit me..
God he was ruining me I felt my climax approach embarrassingly fast‚ I arched myself toward him as he continued to thrust inside of me

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