late night shower

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I groan as I walk to the showers my whole body hurting and a few new bruises from getting my ass handed to me by ghost god damn he really was a tank he tossed me around like a damn twig it's embarrassing how easy it was for him to take me down like that I decided to run back to my room and grab some clothes to take a shower that I deserved it was late at night so most likely nobody would be there I was most excited about being alone in a shower room so nobody else can see me booty ass naked it's embarrassing how they don't have curtains I'm the only woman on base so there should at least be curtains so nobody can eye me down while I have my back turned I made it to the showers nobody was in there I was happy I quickly undressed and turned on the water they may not have curtains but at least they have nice hot water to calm the nerves I turned it up a bit more so I could feel some burn to make my muscles feel better and not so dead and numb I sighed as I stepped into the heat I began washing my hair and my body than I heard the shower room door open god damnit there goes having a nice shower by myself for once I turn my head to see who it is..god damnit why does it have to be the new guy this is just embarrassing I turn my whole body so I would be less exposed and out there but I felt his eyes trail down my body it caused me to shudder

Take a picture it will last longer könig

I-im sorry

He quickly looked away and I continued my shower feeling at peace besides the mountain of a man In the room with me also booty ass naked I wonder if he also felt embarrassed well he probably wouldn't be cause there isn't really much to be embarrassed about for him but for me I had my ego to live up to I couldn't be seen like this it's so embarrassing I just wanted to melt away and die right there end of story I quickly finished up my shower and tied a towel around my body I walked out of the room trying to get as little water as possible on the floor so I ran back to my room as fast as I could I didn't want anyone else seeing me like this I had enough for today I just wanted to sink down into my bed and sleep forever

I got into my bedroom and quickly got dressed into some PJ shorts and a tight tank top it wasn't much but I wanted to go to sleep at least feeling cute like who wouldn't want to be cute when they are asleep??? I lay down in my bed and sprawl out my limbs taking up just a small portion of the queen size mattress it made me giggle they must've given the others smaller beds so at least I got some special treatment I didn't even realize how hungry I was till now I groaned at the thought of having to get up but I was absolutely starving so I got up and practically ran to the kitchen

I saw ghost sitting at the table smoking well at least the door was open so it wouldn't reek on cigarettes in here I waved to him I didn't care about anything besides my hunger right now so I just ignored Simon if he even waved back or said anything to me I wouldn't be able to hear it right now I was to distracted by my goal

"Where you off to in such a rush Y/n am I that annoying?"

"I'm in a rush to get back to my sex dungeon clearly"

I heard him chuckle lightly but I barely heard it..

Is that why you reek wrecker?


"Hey I just took a shower mind you"

"Sorry I couldn't tell your hair always looks greesy"

"Please that's why your probably bald and you smell like mustard" (he didn't he actually smelt like pine and ash)

"I don't even eat mustard and I'm not bald mind you that"

"Prove it than let me see baldy"


"Why are you ugly?"

"Quite the opposite actually"

"I won't believe it till I see it baldy"

"Than your going to be thinking I'm bald for some time than"

"Your just to embarrassed cause you probably are bald"

"I'm the farthest thing from bald you should watch your mouth or I'll watch it for you"

"You just want to kiss me so bad don't you ghostie" I snickerd

"I'm done with you" he walked away and I felt a wash of victory come over me I felt proud of myself


"You want to kiss me so bad don't you?"

I know she was teasing me but it made my breath hitch and my heart thump I had to get away from her or else I would've said something or done something that we both didn't want well I might have wanted it but not her she can't not me not yet..? Wait what am I thinking why am I like this she is just a girl Simon just. A . GIRL.

I made it back into my bedroom unknown feelings filling me I was overwhelmed I wanted to cry laugh throw up and throw things but most of all I wanted her..?
No I don't want her Simon your delusional your crazy what are you even thinking stop it . I punched my wall leaving a hole I just stared down I was full of emotions that I want used to and I wanted out but I also wanted to stay in..


I felt complete knowing that I pissed off ghost its always funny whenever he throws his little tantrums like a child me and soap always laugh about it together later than he usually gets beat by ghost because he was talking to loud.. but still it's funny I grabbed my food and walked back into my bedroom I laid back down and ate and than passed out I didn't have the energy to do anything else so might as well just sleep



I whined and covered my face with the blanket wanting the alarm to shut off itself as soon as I had enough of it's annoying loud sound I slammed my hand down on the clock to turn it off and quickly took it back to wrap it underneath the blanket once again I felt like a butterfly in it's egg or cocoon I felt at peace until I heard someone aggressively knock against my door I groaned I wanted today to be a lazy day all I wanted was to stay in bed and sleep forever I didn't want to get up but I heard the door open but of course I wanted some 'drama' so I pretended to still be asleep to see what would happen that's till I got hit in the face will a pillow



what the fuck is he doing in here why did he hit me with a pillow why is this happening so early in the day and WHY ME???

Time to get up princess you gotta start training you lazy sack of shit

No leave me alone I'm trying to sleep

Don't make me drag you out of here myself

You wouldn't

I would


he grabbed my legs and pulled me out of bed which caused me to yelp and grip onto the bedframe for dear life

let me go!!

No it's time to train

Why can't I ever catch a break!?

Welcome to the military princess


That's what I thought I like it better when that mouth of yours is closed and not talking shit for once

I only talk shit to you

Damnit and know it's open again just shut up

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