a day out of town

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I woke up to the sound of nothing for once I felt at peace but I woke up by myself I sat up in my bed and looked around the room I saw some breakfast on my bedside table it had a note on it I yawned as I grabbed the tray I read the note...

hey Y/n I made you this breakfast it seemed like you needed it

From könig :)

That's so sweet one of the nicest things that has happened to me here in the military it made me happy and my heart felt warm he was a good guy but I have a feeling that him and Simon won't get along..


I waited for Y/n in the kitchen she didn't show up early like how she usually did. Did she sleep in did she sleep through her alarm clock yeah it was one of our days off from training I wanted to take her somewhere..

The new guy Konig or whatever has been acting all giddy and excited what's his deal he's starting to piss me off even though we haven't even spoke to each other yet he just pissed me off more than soap pisses me off and he is very annoying


I felt my heart flutter I made something for Y/n to eat it was like breakfast in bed she was so beautiful her small figure compared to mine I just want to hold her in my arms..

She looked so beautiful when I walked into her bedroom she was sound asleep more like dead asleep cause she didn't even move and her leg was hanging out of the bed I tucked her in the right way I held onto her hand for a bit longer than I intended to I felt her hand twitch in mine I quickly let go and placed the note I left for her on the tray before rushing out of the room my heart was pounding and my mind was racing I almost got caught in her room her chambers her private little space

On the way out of her room I hit my head on the door frame I cursed to myself and rubbed my forehead ugh this girl...

Y/N POV🍽️🍽️🍽️

I walked out into the kitchen I saw Simon glaring at König what is going on with these two so much tension and they just met what the hell is going on???

I walked up to Simon and grazed my hand down his back in a attempt to tease him he choked his tea that he was drinking and gave me the worst side eye I've ever seen it sent a a shiver down my spine but in an oddly pleasing way


"Yeah what's up"

"Would you...like to go out into town with me?"

"Is Simon Riley asking me out on a date?"

"No I just want to get out of this hell hole for a day princess don't get over you head"

"Mhm whatever you say so I'll go get ready"

I walked back into my room And decided to wear some normal clothes today because why not I wanted to look kinda cute I know it's against the rules to bring clothes like this but I needed it

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