a little predicament

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you never shut up do you damn your just so annoying just get up and get dressed don't make me pull rank on you

Leave me alone Ghost I'm trying to sleep

Sargent get up this instant I will not tell you again l/n

He said this with a cold stern tone it sent shivers down my spine. I quickly stood up and saluted Him

Yes sir my apologies Mr fuckface now if you will excuse me I need to get ready for the day lieutenant.

There we go that's a good girl why can't you act like this all the time sweetheart its easier for everyone if you weren't being a brat 24/7

Yes sir if you say so sir

Okay now you're ruining it for me l/n stop with that

Sorry sir won't happen again

Y/n stop with that

It almost made me giggle as I watched him from being proud to annoyed it was funny pestering him like this I need to see more of his reactions

Yes liutenent

Whatever see you in the training rooms I'll be sparing with you again grab breakfast first

I groaned at the thought of having to go to the gym first thing in the morning I haven't even gotten the chance to take a piss yet for gods sakes he is starting to piss me off he presses my buttons in every way he knows how to tick me off. Yeah I'm in the military I should be used to this type of treatment and the hard work but I hate doing it I just want to lie down in bed for the rest of my life it's my little safe Haven

I grab my tan cargo pants and I slip on a tight tank top so it would be easier to move about when I'm training I quickly tie my boots and step out of the room just to bump into someone god my luck today fucking sucks


I feel someone bump into me it causes me to step forward an inch I turn my head to see who bumped into me..
It's the small girl from yesterday I never asked her name that's rude of me I should ask her if she's alright or if she's hurt I should apologize for what happened yesterday in the shower I shouldn't have looked at her that way I just met the damn girl

You alright..?

Yeah shit sorry I didn't see you

Yeah uh alright..

I'd like to apologize for.. yesterday I should not have looked at you like that..

Oh it's fine don't worry I'm not mad

You're not mad?

Yeah why would I be you didn't do anything

Shit yeah my bad..

Could I get your name by the way?

It's Y/n or wrecker you can call me either one it's fine

Okay Y/n that's a beautiful name

Why thank you but I have to ask is könig your actual name or just your code name?

It's.. my code name my actual name is Nicolas Kilgore

Nicolas huh that's a good name for a big guy like you it's a strong name

Thanks Y/n..

Well I gotta get going ghost is going to be on my ass if I'm late for training

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