feelings arise

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I walk out of his bedroom my heart was thumping and my legs hurt I wish I remembered what happened last night it must've been amazing oh he would look so good on top of me I just want to lick his ab-
STOP GODDAMNIT that's enough Y/n snap out of it I can't catch feelings for my lieutenant I just can't it's unprofessional but...I feel so drawn to him I can't get enough of him I need more I CRAVE more of that man I need him now

I almost walked back into his room god I was soaked down there just from thinking about him.. I found myself in the kitchen I got dirty looks from a few people soap just raised his eyebrows and choked on his coffee what's wrong with everyone today did they know what happened between me and Simon!?

Soap walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder I could see a faint tint of red on his face

"So..Y/n I uh think you should be more quiet when you are having..'alone time' with a special someone I'm pretty sure the whole base heard.."

"Are you joking right now you better be joking"

"Not even in the slightest bit I barley slept at all last night"

My face flushed at the thought of last night.. my head still pounding and my upper inner thighs hurt like a bitch I just wanted to lay down and cry myself to sleep but most of all I wanted to be in Simon's arms again I needed his warmth against me..

"I'm so sorry oh my god"

"Oh lassy you'd be lucky if price didn't hear the two of yous"

"I'm.. I'm gonna go I can't deal with this right now"

"Alright than tell me what happened later than lass!"

I walked back to the barracks but I didn't go to my room I went straight back to Simons I walked in and heard that the shower was on I just plopped down on Simons bed and took in his smell and the lingering smell of him and sex but whatever I enjoyed it..

Simons POV

I walked back into my room I put on some sweats and I turned around and saw Y/n in my bed sprawled out she looked like she was asleep my heart warmed up and I was contemplating on waking her up or should I just lay down with her I don't know what to do so I tapped her on the shoulder..



"Could I lay down with you?"

"Mm cmere please I'm cold.."

She lifted up the blanket and opened her arms for me I nervously laid down in her arms I wrapped my other arm around her waist and she pulled my head into her chest she was warm soft I could die happy at this very moment she made me feel..loved?

"Goodnight si"..

"Goodnight sweetheart"

I felt her body become less tense as she relaxed I quickly fell asleep after her. Her warm breath against me god I fell for her so hard I just want to tell her I want to hold her in my arms forever I want to grow old with her..

The next morning


I wake up to Simon in my arms he looked so at peace well his eyes looked at peace he was still wearing his mask that I loved oh so much but I'd love what's under it so much more..

I attempt to escape the tangle in our legs but he tightens his grip on me and he whined god it was adorable seeing him like this

Than a knock at the door..

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