Chapter 10: The Most Strongest

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Ornyo laughed. "Can't handle this, can ya?!"

Lontari growled in exasperation, as he could barely move his arms and legs. The air roared in his ears so monstrously that he could not hear the screams of Axel and Imani. Desperate to stop the madness, he thrusted his palms forward, but couldn't even release any kind of attack.

"In a few minutes, you're all going to go flying!" Ornyo bragged. "You underestimated me!!"

"Goddamn it," uttered Imani, swinging her scythe and thus launching a black fiery slash attack.

However, as somewhat expected, it went flying right back at her the second it got close to Ornyo. Luckily she ducked her head just in time. Axel swung his hands around desperately in an unsuccessful attempt to release fire. But Lontari, knowing he is a multimage, had another trick up his sleeve.

He managed to launch an army of bubbles from his hands, but of course they went flying around like wild birds. To make matters worse, they popped one by one, much to Lontari's fear and shock.

Ornyo laughed out loud. "Can't you take a hint?! That's not gonna work!"

The wind managed to spread all over the entire borough. People, vehicles, and even parts of buildings flew into the air. Cars bumped into each other, thus heavily denting one another and shattering the windows. Screaming citizens catapulted into the clouds, praying that they weren't being launched into space. Crying mothers reached their hands out to their children, but they did not even touch fingers.

Lontari watched a screaming man fly past him, and said, "We need to stop him...!"

"Stop him?!" argued Imani. "He's stopping us!!"

"Not just ye-"

Lontari was cut off when he felt something obscenely sharp scratch the side of his arm. He looked down in shock and agony, watching as blood ran down to his hands. More bleeding cuts ripped open. On his forehead, his cheeks, his wrists, and his knees.

Axel, concerned for the boy's safety while knowing fire is useless, grabbed a random rock he saw and tossed it down at Ornyo. Despite the monstrous, rebellious wind, the piece of earth popped the boy in the nose. Angered, he let out a roar, making the wind three times stronger and faster.

A big, invisible cut tore through Axel's stomach, plunging his mouth open and releasing a sprinkler of blood. Lontari and Imani watched in horror at his bloody state. The old man was spinning like a wheel, mildly splashing red body juice everywhere. Lontari and Imanihad to think fast if this were to end soon.

Lontari was beginning to lose hope. But then, all of a sudden the wind began to gradually slow down. He found himself swinging his limbs without trouble. Like a fish, he began swimming through the wind, trying vigorously to get closer to the determined Ornyo.

"Yo!" he teased. "Looks like your magic's weakening! Shouldn't abuse it so much!"

"Weakening?!" Ornyo laughed. "Not even close!"

Suddenly, the wind roared again and was faster than ever. Lontari, before he even knew it, went flying around in circles fast enough to make him dizzy. But this only lasted for five minutes before slowing down. Fire, earth, water, air, dark and majestic magic were merged into his fist, engulfing it in a multi-colored fiery aura. He then fixed his feet against a floating car and blast off like a rocket ship.

Ornyo was unpleasantly shocked. "Hey, what's happening to my magic?! It seems to be-"

Lontari flew towards him at the speed of sound. Ornyo released a grunt of pain when the teenager slammed his fist into the boy's cheek, spilling a dash of red liquid and a tooth out of his mouth. He flew and rolled down the street, creating a messy red liquid trail.

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