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POV Marinette:

I was all the time with Adrien in the kitchen till 10am, I was showing him the new song words and he really memorized all the song's lyrics so fast.

Adrien: I love this song so much; I can't believe that you were the one writing those songs

Marinette: I love writing songs, and ... and if find someone to help me writing, I won't protest

Adrien: yeahh

Marinette: you didn't sleep since 5am, are you alright now?

Adrien: I don't sleep that much and I always wake up early to work out. Five hours sleep is enough

Marinette: me too, I wake up early, almost everyday

Adrien: Marinette, are you sure of your choice?

Marinette: I think i never made a better choice than this

Max: bitch we are here

I looked to the door as I found Max, Luka, Nathaniel, Rose, Alya, Nino, Juleka and Kagami walking to the kitchen, staring only at Adrien

Rose: wow, who is he?

Marinette: this is Adrien Agreste, he may be our new singer if Nathaniel approves it

Adrien: nice to meet you all

Everyone: nice to meet you too

Everyone greeted Adrien except Luka who was glaring at the blond

Marinette: Nath, he will sing some of the new song, and you should judge him if he will take your place or not

The red haired man nodded and made an "ok" sign with his hand. We went all together to the backyard as Adrien sit in the bench in front of us all. Juleka played the instrumental that we composed of our new song and Adrien started to sing.

 Juleka played the instrumental that we composed of our new song and Adrien started to sing

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#The Backyard

Everyone was in love with his voice and I can say that even Nathaniel is amazed from his face expression but Luka is having a serious problem with Adrien as Luka is glaring and Adrien is smirking

Once Adrien finished singing all the song, everyone except Luka stands up and clap, even Nath

Nino: dude seriously, you have an awesome voice

Alya: I confirm, I love his voice

Marinette: let's all vote

Everyone voted by yes, even Nathaniel but not Luka who didn't accepted Adrien yet

Marinette: Luka, what's your problem?

Luka: I don't think he would be a good singer

Nathaniel got a little board that Alya bought for him and write something

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