Because I Love You

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POV Adrien:

I was with all the team in the living room talking about what happened in the interview and planning about the sexy song but we all heard yelling in Luka and Marinette's room

Adrien: we should check?

Max: they always yell like that

Alya: I think we should really check, I don't trust Luka

We nodded and we all went upstairs. We were in front of their room, but when we heard slapping and screaming then I heard Marinette calling me

Adrien: my baby girl

I broke the door and get in, I found Luka slapping Marinette till she passed out, her beautiful lips and face were bleeding


Nino: Adrien ... wait

I ignored everyone behind me and run toward that shit as I punched him on his stomach

Luka: what the fuck, it's between me and my girlfriend and ...

I didn't give him time to finish, I grabbed him from his collar and hit his face with my head, breaking his nose and throw him on the floor

I rested my knees on each side of his waist and pinned his wrists over his head and keep punching him

Adrien: HOW .... FUCKING ...... DARE...... YOU...... TO DO...... THAT TO ......HER

I said with every punch on his face. girls behind me were yelling and boys were trying to stop me. I keep punching him but when I got enough and saw how my knuckles are covered with blood

I got up and kick him on his chest and stomach with my foot again and again, with all my strength then I got a tissue from the nightstand I wiped my hands then throw it on Luka

I picked Marinette bridal style and walked away to get her to the hospital. Everyone behind were terrified to see both of them with bleeding faces but Luka was moaning in pain, wrapping his arms around himself

Adrien: you got what you fucking deserve, and be thankful that I live you alive

Max: we should get him to the hospital, he is bad

I left, holding Mari in my arms to my car. She was passed out. I laid her on the back seats but Alya and Kagami come with me

Adrien: why are you here?

Kagami: she is our friend

I sighed and drive to the hospital. It was quiet, no one said anything, and from time to time, I check Mari from the mirror.

Alya: what you will say to the hospital?

Adrien: I'm going to put that jerk in the jail for violence

Kagami: you shouldn't or Marinette will be in problem

Adrien: why?

Alya: just ask Marinette, please we can't say anything. even us we shouldn't or she will be also in problem, that's why we are pissed off

Kagami: all what I can say is that he is holding something against her, the rest, Marinette only will tell you

Adrien: what the fuck, it's like Luka become a god now? If I could, I would kill him if I want so stop fearing that shit

Kagami: Marinette didn't tell you anything about that?

Adrien: she didn't, she said one day she will and I'm waiting for her. I don't want to make her uncomfortable

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