Part of my Heart

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POV Marinette:

I thought that I'll have a sexy night with Adrien, sneaking as always from Luka but I was shocked from what he said

Adrien: you have your boyfriend. Everything happened between us was just ... a lie and a mistake

I get kinda hurt when he said that. I never thought that what happened between me and him was a mistake. Adrien doesn't look at me even once

I looked everywhere; we were alone as I grabbed his cheeks but his eyes were looking away

Marinette: look at me please. Why you think it's a mistake and a lie? Adrien, we were together

I leaned in to kiss his lips but he stepped back and take off my hands from his cheeks

Marinette: is it Kagami?

Adrien: Kagami? What the fuck, me and Kagami are just friends, no more. you didn't mention that you have your boyfriend? So go to your boyfriend and have a good night with him. you don't need me anymore

Marinette: y-you can't do this to me?

Adrien: you started doing this to me Marinette. I want to go back home and sleep, that's it. Just forget what happened between us. I was stupid to cross my lines and have sex with you

Marinette: I can't forget what happened between us. we didn't just kiss Adrien, we slept together


I jumped when Adrien yelled at me. he walked toward me but I was stepping back till my back touched the wall

Marinette: A-Adrien


Adrien yelled as he slammed his hands on the wall on each side of my head. I was terrified as my eyes teared up. The blond stepped one step back as he takes off his jacket to stay only in his shirt

Adrien: I regret joining this band Marinette. and If I didn't sign that contract, I would leave but it's late.

Marinette: w-why you joined u-us if y-you don't want?

He took a deep breath as he run his fingers through his hair before he looks at me with sad eyes

Adrien: I never wanted the fame, or to be famous, I never wanted anything from this band ... I just .... I just wanted one thing but I think my dreams went too far. I'm leaving Marinette and hope Luka give you the happiness you needed. I'm not just your sex toy you remember me only when you want a good fuck

Adrien got his jacked on his shoulder and he walked away. Rose come to me, as she found some tears rolling down my eyes

Rose: are you alright Marinette?

Marinette: I d-don't know why I feel that I lost ... I lost a part of my heart

Rose: you seriously fucked up with him. you both fuck together and then you say that you are Luka's girlfriend? It's obvious it hurt him when you said that shit not when Nadja said it.

Marinette: wait a moment, you know that ....

Rose: everyone knows, even Juleka, it's obvious that you both are fucking because that day after the concert, me, Juleka and Nath saw you leaving Adrien's room after kissing his lips. you weren't there to have a conversation for sure

Marinette: you won't say anything to Luka?

Rose: we won't because we know that Adrien is your happiness, or should I say was your happiness, because you fucked up. Why don't you tell him the real reason why you can't leave Luka? He will understand

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