Lukanette's Downfall

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POV Marinette:

It was a tiring day; we were all at home for over an hour. Luka will leave with his friend Mark and they will meet in the bar

We were all sitting in the living room in our pajama's, and Plagg was awake for the first time ever on Adrien's lap. 

Luka was so happy and excited, he spent one hour getting ready then before leaving, he passed by the living room and leaned his arm on the door's frame

Luka: my moment of fame is back after you got it from me. finally, I'm going to appear again in tv with my beautiful girlfriend

Adrien: I'm killing him

When Adrien was about to stand up, Nino and Kim grabbed his arms and sit him back

Luka: I told you before that after some songs, you will be old ass

Adrien: do you think I'm hungry for money like you? I think today, you heard only my name coming out of every girl's mouth, and you heard that all the concert. Don't you think I didn't notice how you were clenching your fists when everyone yelled and screamed my name, and when those girls fainted just by looking at me shirtless but not for you, do you remember that day when you tried to sing with Nathaniel and you were shirtless? Good thing I assisted to all your concerts. As I remember, you don't even have abs. flat ass

Nino: damn, he ended him

I heard Nino whispering while holding his laugh. Luka cursed under his breath and left while slamming the door behind him. once we heard his car left, we all burst in laugh and tears

Juleka: fuck, I liked that

Kagami: if only you let Adrien kill him, we would be all in peace

Kim: yeah, and he will be in jail

Kagami: we are a lot; we will say that we weren't at home and someone beat him to death.

Marinette: I don't want to go with him today night.

Adrien: damn it's 2am now

Rose: I was surprised that they invited Luka, and not Adrien

Adrien: it's fine with me, but I'm just boiling because Mari will be with him. she is my fucking princess, just mine

Max: I think we will just watch and see why they need him

Alya: let's go to sleep guys, I'm sure we are all tired

Every one of us stand up and went to their rooms, and before I gain my room, Adrien grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. I could see sadness in his eyes, so I cupped his face I pecked his lips

Marinette: no matter what happen, I just love you Adrien, don't doubt in that. you are my life and my everything

Adrien: I know, I love you more princess

The blond hugged me tight then he lifts my chin between his fingers to kiss my lips. Adrien and I shared a passionate kiss for a minute then we got separated to sleep

The next day, Luka and I were getting ready to go to the studio. I had a shower and I put on a dress and let my hair down.

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