Adrien's Outfit

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POV Adrien:

I lost my mind when I saw what Marinette was wearing .... It's like she was wearing nothing, and everyone can look at her beautiful body

Everyone keep quiet, I was standing in front of Marinette, mad at what she is wearing

Alya: Adrien, she ....

Adrien: how dare you wear like that?

She just looks down and don't say nothing. I grabbed her hand and we left from the back door and went to the alley behind the club

Marinette: I thought that y-you will like that

Adrien: not a single word and ....

Man: damn if only I can milk those boobs

There were a man staring at my girl's breasts while whistling. I hide Marinette behind me and walked toward him then with my foot, I hit him in his face as he fell on the ground

Man: fuck, that hurt

Adrien: you won't feel pain anymore if you keep staring at my girl's body because I'll kill you

I said while cracking my knuckles, I kicked him on his butt then he run away like a bitch.

I undo my shirt as I take it off and stay shirtless then I dressed her to cover her body and I buttoned it

Adrien: fuck it, even my shirt is longer than your dress.

The bluenette doesn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight as I hugged her back

Marinette: ohhhh Adrien, I love you, I'm sorry, I only wanted to turn you on

Adrien: you don't need to show off your beautiful body, I don't want anyone to see it

Marinette: same as you, you will wear something sexy in the next concert

Adrien: don't worry about that

Marinette: I worry about that because rose promised that you will make at least five girls faint in the concert with what she is planning for you with Juleka

Adrien: should I be worried?

Marinette: yes

Marinette pulled away and cupped my cheeks pecking my lips then wrapping her arms around my neck

Marinette: I love you

Adrien: I love you more

The bluenette stepped back and turned around to place her hands on the wall and bend, wiggling her beautiful ass

Marinette: you turned me on when you beat the shit out of him and now you are shirtless, I just want to be fucked

Adrien: here?

Marinette: there is absolutely no one here, just a quicky promise

Adrien: that's a no, Marinette anyone can see us here and you know that. myself I don't care; I can even fuck you inside but we should fuck in secret till we find a solution with the dead man in hospital

She was pouting while fixing her shirt but she grabbed my hand and walked to the car

At home, I picked her on my shoulders and I went to my room. once I locked the door, I pinned her to the wall, grabbing her wrists over her head with one hand, my face closer to hers, and I was unbuttoning her shirt

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