Rewrite The Stars

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POV Marinette:

The next morning, Adrien and I went downstairs to have our breakfast as we found all the girls there but they whistled once they saw Adrien shirtless

Rose: see who is here, our favorite couple. Have a seat, I just finished some waffles and pancakes for us

Marinette: thank you rose

Juleka served me and Adrien and rose gave us the toppings to decorate them, Adrien and I put always some strawberries, blueberries, and maple syrup

Alya: so, when are you going to start with the duet?

Adrien: which duet?

Kagami: come on, we watched everything on TikTok, we all have access to the page and we had notifications so we watched your life from the official page and we even followed you

Marinette: damn, we thought you are all four sleeping

Rose: how can I say it kindly ... yeah found a way, your moans are so loud, sometimes you scream and yells of Adrien's name and the skin slapping was hitting my ears because I'm just living in the room next to Adrien

Juleka: I was sleeping peacefully too till I had Adrien's name in my dream and I had to wake up, to find out it's Marinette moaning his name

Adrien and I stare at each other blushing, the rest burst into laughter

Marinette: d-damn, this is embarrassing

Alya: that means it's a good fuck, for example, we heard her and Luka fucking always but we never heard a moan

Adrien: that's a great start princess, so only me make you moan?

Marinette: y-yes, because I really love you so much and I enjoy everything with you

Adrien: my baby girl, I love you even more

When we both leaned in to kiss, Alya cleared her throat so we stepped back. rose, Juleka and Kagami were resting their cheeks on their palms fangirling us

Kagami: seriously now, are you going to do a duet?

Alya: I agree, the comments of yesterday want that

Marinette: but Luka ....

Adrien: want him to end his days in hospitals, I'm ready

Juleka: please do, he is my brother and I even hate him a lot

Adrien: same as me

Marinette: you know I can't do anything, unless I find this fucking laptop

Adrien: are you sure that he has those fucking pictures only in his laptop?

Marinette: yes, I checked his phone and he has nothing, except other girl's naked pictures in his sd card. I wanted badly to delete them but at what cost

Adrien: what a coward, using girl's pictures

Alya: he is just dirty; I hope our band won't be affected. If only we can kick him out of this band, we don't even need him, Kim could get his place easily

Rose: you know we can't, he owns this band

Adrien: actually, this part, I can take care of it, but I can proceed on this only if I can find this fucking laptop

Juleka: and the duet?

Kagami: why don't you talk about yourself? About your relationship, it will be really easier, write the words and then the tune will be easy.... I have a tune if you want to work on it

Adrien: sure, why not, we will choose your tune, and work only on words to fit with the tune

Marinette: yaaaaaay amazing

Luka: see who is here

We looked at the door as we found Kim, Nathaniel, Mark and Nino getting in and Luka was already standing beside Adrien who was eating peacefully his waffle

Luka: showing your bare chest and ......

I giggled when Adrien shoved some waffles in Luka's mouth and got another like nothing happened. Luka take it off his mouth and put the waffles on the table

Luka: I saw that fucking TikTok account and ...

Adrien: and do you have any problem couffaine?

The blond said as he cracked his knuckles. Luka growled and clenched his fists but he rested them then

Juleka: we are doing the duet, Adrien and Marinette will rock and everything will be amazing

Nino: I loved the idea too, I already told Luka that we will work on it

Luka: just because Nino approved so I agreed

Adrien: thanks Nino, you are amazing

Luka: huh, I'm in my room, Marinette follow me now

I sighed and wiped my mouth. Luka was already upstairs, so I kissed Adrien's lips in front of my friends and I left and joined Luka in our room

Marinette: what's wrong?

Luka: why did you created a TikTok account with that asshoe?

Marinette: it was for our fans Luka, and you know, more fans, give them what they want, and then better income

I know how much Luka loves money, it's his number one priority and I had to use this for my advantage and it worked

Luka: ok you are right, but no fucking stuff or intimate things with him, got it Marinette?

Marinette: y-yes

Luka: good girl, now on your knees and suck my dick

Marinette: I should find it first to suck it

I said as I whispered, trying not to laugh

Luka: what have you said?

Marinette: I said that I'm going to give you a good blow job Luka

Luka: yes baby, pleasure me

I sighed and kneeled, I take off his pants and boxer and faced his tiny dick. Even Adrien's middle finger is thicker and bigger than Luka's dick. I gave him a blowjob then we both went downstairs to the music room to decide what to write in our song

As always, Luka and Adrien are two enemies, Luka was glaring all the time for Adrien because I was with him thinking about a song. No one mentioned that the song that we will write will talk about us

Adrien: what about rewrite the stars as a title?

Rose: awwwwww so romantic

Kim: good one I love it

Alya: go for it

Even Nathaniel made a sign that he loved the name of this song. I find a hard time to focus because Adrien wore just a shirt but I could be drooling over his big arms that were wrapped around me yesterday. I already miss Adrien and all what I want is to be with him forever

For a one day, we really made a lot, as Adrien is an English teacher, writing songs was a piece of cake for him and Kagami's tune was amazing, she was working on it for a while and she hoped we use it for a song, and we did

Max: so, when are you going to sing? In another month?

Adrien: not really enough, don't forget it's a duet

Kagami: five or six weeks

Luka: six weeks, that's final

Max: fine, fine. Then Adrien and Marinette, you can announce that in your new Adrienette TikTok and let this romantic duet begin ....

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