New Tattoo

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POV Marinette:

Adrien held me in his arms to my new room, his room ... our room. He locked the door and throw me on the bed like a potato bag

Marinette: charming, throwing me like that

Adrien: I claimed you baby girl, so now you are all mine

He said with a sexy voice as he climbs to the bed and crawled on top of me. I grabbed him from his shirt and pulled him into a hot kiss. Adrien and I were sucking and eating each other lips, he was biting my bottom lip and dominated my mouth my tongue with his.

I moaned into the kiss when Adrien ripped my dress. after a minute of rough and hot kissing, Adrien kneeled on the bed and undressed me and throw all my ripped clothes on the floor

Marinette: roaaar my kitten is revealing his claws

Adrien: not yet but baby, do you accept to be my girlfriend now?

Marinette: stupid question baby boy, I fucking love you

I cupped Adrien's cheeks for a kiss but then I was disappointed when he left the bed, but when I known that it's just to undress himself and get naked just like me, I was relieved

Adrien: you like this view, right?

His strong tattooed arms and his muscular chest make me drool and turned on whenever I see him, but when my eyes shifted down, and saw that hard dick, I couldn't hold myself anymore and I grabbed his hand and got him on top of me

Marinette: damn, you make so wet. show me what you will do big boy

The blond pinned my wrists above my head with one hand and his other hand on one of my breasts, twirling my tits between his fingers

Adrien: oh really you want to know?

Marinette: ahhh damn. I need you to fuck me until I can't remember my name. I want you inside me

He smirked and take off his hand from my breasts and put three fingers in my mouth to suck on them then he shoved the three of them in my soaked wet pussy

Adrien: already wet princess

Marinette: s-shut up and do your work

The smirk doesn't erase from charming face. the blond begins thrusting his fingers really fast. I wrapped my arms around his neck and thrown my head to the back enjoying his fingers filling me

Marinette: A-Adrien

Adrien smashed his lips on mine and keep moving his fingers fast and hard. I didn't last for long till I cum all over his fingers. He gets his fingers out and licked them one by one

Adrien: want me to please you and lick this pussy?

Marinette: y-your dick, I want it inside me right now, please

Adrien: ohhh so needy my princess. you want my dick, right? You want me to fuck you?

Marinette: yes, yes I want that

Adrien: no begging, then no dick

Marinette: you fucking asshole, I need that dick inside me right now, please baby, just please fill my pussy with your big dick

Adrien: say please again

Marinette: damn, please Adrien, I'm begging you

Adrien: I like that

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