Day Out Without Me

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POV Marinette:

Luka was so happy that we are in the same hotel room, but I wasn't. the only one who I wanted to be with him, in the same room, in the same bed and into his warm arms is Adrien but for my bad luck, Kagami got him for her

Kagami: so, Adrien, what we do?

Adrien: I'm going to rest and have a nap, bye

I was relieved when he left her and went to the room and then she followed him as everyone gained his room

Luka: what we do Marinette?

Marinette: sleeping

I ignored Luka and went inside. The room was big and the bed was really comfortable

I take off my clothes and stay only in my lingerie, but when I laid on bed, Luka pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me

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I take off my clothes and stay only in my lingerie, but when I laid on bed, Luka pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me

Marinette: what are you doing?

Luka: cuddling with my girlfriend

Marinette: Luka, leave me, I want to sleep

I pushed him away of me, but when I was about to turn to the other side, he grabbed my chin tight that he hurt me

Marinette: L-Luka, its h-hurts

Luka: why are you rejecting me? I'm your fucking boyfriend, remember that, I do whatever I want with you. got it?

Marinette: w-what you want now?

Luka: now? Not so much, just to fuck you

I didn't want at all to have sex with him. I take off the rest of my clothes and laid on bed to let him do whatever he wants

After fucking me for 20 minutes, he dressed himself and left the room. I gathered my broken self and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and I sit down naked as I lift my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, crying all my tears as the water on top of me

I miss Adrien so much; I even miss talking to him. I regret what I said, if only I can take it back. why I had to confirm in front of the world that I'm Luka's girlfriend and that there isn't a chance for me and Adrien

After crying for 30 minutes, I left the shower and put my bra and panties, dry my hair and laid on bed

I was sleeping till Juleka wake me up. I rubbed my eyes then I sit up

Marinette: what's up Jules?

Juleka: it's 3pm now, and all of us decided to leave out to have fun in Italy because tomorrow is the concert

Marinette: and?

Juleka: I'm leaving with rose, Nino with Alya alone, max, Kim and Nath together, and Adrien and Kagami. Do you want to come with me and rose? Because that jerk Luka isn't here and I'm sure that he is out fucking a bitch

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