Chapter 3: Bonfire

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I went through the box finding clothes, ponytails and a brush, etc.

When it was time for the bonfire I started to have second thoughts.

Maybe I shouldn't go. No. I'm fine. I can do this.

I walked out of the homestead and started for the celebration just getting started. 

Fear overwhelmed me.

All boys. One girl. No protection.

I ran back to my room and spied through the window.

 A shadowy figure crept to my window I jumped back and opened my mouth to scream but stopped when the figure began to chant,"Repunzule, Repunzule, letdown your hair!"


I walked back over to the window standing face to face with smirking Minho.

"Does your knight in shining armor need to take you to your ball?"

"Your fairytales are screwed up." I simply stated.

"Are you shucking scared to go now?" He asked his signature smirk never leaving his face.

I didn't answer so he said,"You don't have to come you know." 

"I am though." I said, motioning for him to move as I climbed out of the window.

"Then let's go." He said jogging excited ahead of me.


My mind asked itself confused.



"Woah, stay close" Minho whispered to me when he noticed that mostly everyone was drunk.

I nodded and followed him.

Someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me to them.

"Hello, pretty girl" the boy slurred.

Minho yanked his hands off me and held my arm as we walked.

He moved me in front of him and whispered to me,"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea."

I shook my head slowly.

"Hey, Minho! Come on get in the ring! Your turn to fight!" Gally hollered.

"I dunno man.." Minho said slowly.

"Don't worry I got her." He said.

Minho nodded and went to go fight.

what is a fight?

"Step back." Gally warned.

I took huge step backs until I accidentally bumped into Gally. Luckily he didn't seem to be paying any attention.

The boy against Minho almost perfectly matched his size.

"Go!" Gally yelled.

They fought and wrestled and punched and kicked and

uhhh I hate fights

I glanced at Gally.

He had a smug smirk on his face.

Blood was flying now.

I looked at Gally hopelessly,"Make them stop." I pleaded.

He squinted his eyes confusedly at me but then yelled,"Alright that's enough! Med-Jacks get over here. Take 'em away."

"I'm going to go back to the homestead now." I told Gally.

He nodded and escorted me there.

"You okay?" He asked before leaving my room.

"Yeah just a bit tired." I lied.

He nodded and left my room.

Poor, boys

I thought as I drifted into a horrible dream.

A/N Hey Guys! I need a new cover so if someone could make me one that would be shucking cool.

Anyways comment for dedication!

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