Chapter 13: Feelings

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I stopped dead in my tracks. Well, that isn't normal. I leaned up against Alby's door to find out what was going on.

"There's not much of a choice here Minho. She is pretty fast and you have two runners right now. That just isn't enough." The voice was Alby's. I recognize it almost immediately.

"No it's enough and what makes you think she's fast?" That was most definitely Minho.

"You should've seen how fast she ran to you and Ben today. She can do it. Is he can do it if you will train her."

"I'll think about it." Minho grunted.

Then out of nowhere somewhen can up behind me and whispered into my ear, "who are we spying on?"

I screamed and fell into the door, it immediately flew open. I am not good at eavesdropping apparently. Newt burst out laughing behind me. I ignored him and slowly looked up. Minho and Alby stood there with their arms crossed.

"Oh this isn't me room, I better get going." I quickly said.

Minho and Alby exchanged looks and rolled their eyes. I had quickly left the room and hurried down the stairs, when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see a frustrated Minho.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked.

"Most of it." I admitted.

He grunted and turned to leave.

"Wait! Minho wait!" He stopped but didn't turn around. "Why are you so worried about me becoming a runner?"

Minho tensed up and he slowly faced me. He stared right at me for a minute before he began, "Casey, it's really dangerous out there. You don't even know what it's like. I don't want you to get hurt, or worse."

"Why do you even care so much?" I asked throwing my hands up in frustration.

"Because I care okay!? Because I care about you and I don't want anything to happen to you." Minho blurted.

I wanted to kiss him right then and there but before I could even reply Minho walked out of the homestead and slammed the door. I wanted to run after him but I didn't know what to think. Does he care about me because I'm his friend? Or because I'm the only girl here? Or because he has feelings for me?


I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to relax my mind. I just can't stop thinking about Minho. What did he mean by that? Am I getting to excited and jumping to conclusions? I finally stopped thinking and fell asleep.


I squeeze Chuck's hand. He just shook his head slowly as tears streamed down his face.

"Chuck it's all gonna be alright. They're just going to send me in there and tell me exactly what to do. I'll do what they say, and they'll protect you. The promised me that if I do my job, you won't every be put at risk." I assured him, although I was mainly attempting to assure myself. If I made one mistake, they would send Chuck into the maze too and he was just too young. When most of the boys were sent in, they would scream and cry but Chuck was younger than all of them. There's no telling how he would react.

"Casey? I swear you never listen. Anyways, after you have burnt the map room, they will learn to never trust girls. If you refuse, you will be endangering Chuck. So it's your choice. Choose wisely but remember Casey, Wicked is good."

*End of dream*

"AHHHH!" I screamed. Oh good I woke up.

"Casey what's wrong!?" Newt asked bursting into my room, followed by Alby and Minho.

Well I must've woken everybody else up. Great.

"I uh just had a bad dream that's all." I confessed.

"What was your dream about?" Alby asked. Concern was written on the boy's faces. I glanced at Newt, hoping that he would help me out. But he didn't, he just stared blankly at me.

"I don't remember." I lied.

"Well you woke up half the glade by screaming. Just go back to bed and next time try not to scream." Alby and newt left the room but Minho stood in the doorway, arms folded.

"You don't remember? Or do you just not want to tell?"

"I don't remember." I said slowly.

"You're a horrible liar." Minho smirked. "I can stay in here with you and when the bad dreams come, you know the ones you "don't remember," I'll just knock them out with my gorgeous guns."

"Oh yes Minho! Thank you so much! You've saved me once again." I replied sarcastically. Minho scooted me over and lied down next to me.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Yeah a little." I lied. Like I said I don't like lying but Minho was laying right next to me and asked me if I was cold, what else was I supposed to say? I couldn't say no to that offer!


"Come on guys, we need to wake them up."

"But but they're so cute. We can't."

"I'm waking them up."


The blankets that had been covering Minho and I, were suddenly pulled off. Minho groaned in frustration. I opened my eyes, but all a saw was a pale blue... shirt maybe? I looked up and saw Minho looking down at me.



Minho chuckled and rolled out of my bed. Newt smirked at me and Alby just shook his head.

"C'mon Casey. You start your training today." Minho announced.

"Training? What training?" I asked sleepily.

"Runner training. I gotta see if you're as fast as they say you are. No get up and get ready because today you get to train with the best."

"And whom shall that be?" I smirked.

"Me of course." Minho yelled. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and spun around. He finally sat me down. Minho left the room to let me get ready. Once I had finished, I met him at the entrance to the homestead and walked off to breakfast with him.

Now how in the world am I going to burn the map room? Minho would be crushed and who knows what would happen to me. But I had to do it. I had already messed up once since they put Chuck in the Glade. I couldn't put him in anymore danger. I had to do it and it doesn't matter if it costs me my life.


Hey there shanks! Bad news. I'm considering stopping the story. I'm not sure if anyone is still reading it and I don't want to waste anyone's time. Please let me know in the comments or by messaging me, what you think I should do. Thank you very much. xoxo you're favorite author

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