Chapter 16: Secrets Spilled Pt. 2

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"See here's the thing, I don't want to leave you alone. So I'm not going to."

"Gally please." The confidence I once had, was suddenly completely lost.


Gally and I both jumped. Minho ran up to him and punched across the face.

"Stay away from her." Minho snarled giving Gally a small shove. Gally backed off and disappeared into the darkness. Minho looked at me. We locked eyes for a long time. Finally he looked down at the lock on th slammer door and pulled out his keys. He helped me out of the slammer. He held a tight grip on my arm as he drug me towards the homestead. The he drug me straight into his room.

*End of recap*

"Let go of me." I yelled, jerking my arm away from him.

Hurt flashed across Minho's face. "Casey," he began. "I'm sorry, you have to understand that I had to and it's n-"

"You're right and I understand that you had to, but what I don't understand is why you let them put me in the slammer, again." I growled as my voice rose. "You know what happened last time and you still put me out there."

Newt and Alby burst through the door.

"Why the bloody hell is everyone shouting?" Newt yelled.

"Stay out of this Newt." Minho glared.

"Don't talk to him that way! He is loyal. Maybe you should get more familiar with that w-"

"Slim it, all of you." Alby yelled. His voice turned into a whisper, "Some people are trying to sleep. Can we just have this conversation in the morning."

Tears stung my eyes in frustration as I looked around the room and locked eyes with each one of them.

They don't get it. They know it's hard to be thrown into a maze with no memory but they don't know what it's like to be the only girl. All of the emotions and struggles, they just don't understand.

I ran out of Minho's room. Once I had reached the middle of the Glade, my body clasped.

No food or sleep is finally taking its toll on me.


My name was being shouted in the distance but my eyes slowly closed and I blacked out.


I was in a small house, the room I stood in was no bigger than my room in the homestead. A woman was bent down with her hands intertwined with the hands of a  little girl.

The little girl was me.

I don't know how, but I knew that for certain. The woman was crying but younger me was frozen, barely blinking.

"Mommy I don't want to go." I finally cried.

"But Casey you must. It's the only way you and Chuck can survive." She whispered.

"Chuck?" Younger me questioned.

"Yes. That's what I decided to name him. They will be here any second to take you away."

As if on cue, the door burst opened and a few men in black armor, with guns approached. One of them nodded to my mom, letting her know that they would have to take me soon.

"Remember Casey, that you are so strong and that you are so brave. I will always be with you." She said. She took a gold necklace off her neck and fastened it around mine. "I love you." She whispered and let go of younger me's hands.

I screamed and cried for my mother. I begged for the men to let me go. I kicked and clawed but nothing worked. Tears were falling so fast but the stopped when I heard the sound of a baby crying. I looked over to see my baby brother, Chuck.

"I will protect you, I promise." I whispered.

But what if you can't keep that promise. My thoughts screamed.

*End of dream*

"Casey! What promise!? Please Casey wake up." Someone begged.

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Casey you're awake!" Chuck cried, giving me a huge bear hug.

I smiled and hugged him back.


"Yeah Casey?"

"I may not remember you completely, but I do remember that I love you."

"I may not remember you at all but I know I love you too."

I began crying as I hugged Chuck again.

Family. It's the only thing that matters anymore.


The med-jacks didn't think I should leave my room yet, so they declared me bedridden until further notice. I lasted motionless all day, thinking about my mother and thinking about where her necklace that she gave me was.

Did WICKED take it? Did someone from the Glade hide it?

Interrupting my thoughts, the door opened. I looked up. It was Minho. He held his hands behind his back and slowly took a step toward me.

"Freeze." I commanded.

He did what I had asked and opened his mouth to speak, but I stopped him a again.

"Slim it. I want you to answer a question for me. Can you do that?"

"Yeah uh of course. What is it?" Minho asked.


"Excuse me?" Minho asked, puzzled by the lack of details.

"Why do you care so much about what happens to me."

Minho looked as if I had slapped him across the face and called him ugly. He swallowed hard and looked at the floor. After a few minutes, he looked at me again and whispered something.

"What?" I asked and slowly cocked my head.

"I care about you because I love you."

I finally updated! Yay! I need lots of votes and comments if you want more! I love you guys so vv much!

xoxo your favorite author 🌚

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