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"Where is the princess??" The woman rushed around in search for the young princess.

A whiles away was a girl, only the age of 10, walking along the sea shore. She wore her loose dress that fell to her feet. Her shoes were held in her hand as she walked farther. Then she smiled to a rock in the ocean.

(Y/n) dropped everything as she rushed into the water. Swimming to the rock in the water before climbing and sitting on the top. She smiled as she looked out to the water and felt the breeze.

She hummed a song her mother had sung a few times, and then lied down slightly. Her hair wet, her skin slightly soaked, and her dress hanging off the rock. She rested under the sun.

"You have a lovely voice..." she heard a voice. She gasped slightly and turned to look around.

Then she looked below to see a boy her age staring up at her with wide eyes. She smiled slightly as she saw his dry wet hair.

"Thank you...Where did you come from?" She asked softly. He smiled nervously before deciding he could trust her.

"I am a prince. My father is king triton" he smiled proudly. She stared at him in shock.

"Is that so..?" She asked suspiciously. He smiled and nodded as he swam in a circle showing off his tail.

"Oh wow!" She gasped as he rested once more against the rock.

"Mhm! What about you?" He asked. She smiled and pointed to the castle that rested farther into the shore.

"I'm the princess of the castle" she said. "Pleased to meet you sir" she joked. He laughed a bit and kissed the back of her palm as she rested against the rock.

"What's it like being a merman?" She asked.

"It's wonderful, but I'm sure being on land is far better" He said.

"I don't think so...It's better to be in water rather than land" She smiled and sighed as she played with the water.

"Is that so..." he hummed. Then there was a call.

"Miss! Miss (y/n)!" They both looked back. The merman hiding behind the rock still.

"Ah! I should be going..." the girl frowned.

"My name is Aaron" he said. She smiled and stood. Bowing slightly.

"(Y/n)..." she said softly. "I hope to see you again some day" he nodded and smiled.

In truth they had met a few times after that. Making time to see one another. That is until it stopped. All when they were 15. She stopped coming and he stopped searching, since he couldn't go far, and they seemed to be parted since then.

That is until recently

That is until recently

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