[ TWO ]

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We rushed home as I tried to make it on time. I frowned knowing dad was going to scold me. I didn't mean to miss the show, but I'm also glad I did. I wonder why her picture was in that boat. Or why the boat was in there in the first place...


"I have no idea what we are going to do with you young man." Father yelled.

"I'm sorry dad, I just forgot..." I tried to reason.

"As a result of your careless behavior-"

"Careless and reckless behavior!"

"The entire celebration was...uh..."

"It was ruined! Destroyed!! You don't understand Aaron. This was supposed to the pinnacle of my distinguished career!" The crab yelled. "Now thanks to you! I am a laughing stock!" The man yelled. Then flounder appeared before me.

"It wasn't his fault!" He yelled. Then he started to explained with lots of sound effects and soon exposed our secrets. I glared as father found out we went to the surface.

"You went to the surface?!" The man glared.

"Nothing happened...." I tried to de-escalate the situation.

"Aaron I've told you time and time again. You could have been seen by the humans." He said. Suddenly the image of the (h/c) haired girl appears in mind. Suddenly fathers words zoned out.

"Those barbarians!" The man yelled more to himself than anyone.

"Their not barbarians dad" I yelled back. Trying to prove a point.

"Their dangerous!" The man glared. "I don't want to see you hurt by those monsters." He continued.

"I'm 20 sad! I'm not a child" I said trying to show him how I feel.

"As long as you live under my ocean. You follow my rules." The man glared down at me.

"But dad!"

"Not another word." He finished before turning around. I glared at him before turning and rushing away. A sigh escaping my mouth.


I just don't understand... how a world that makes such wonderful things...could be bad...

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