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"I've been searching for someone I hardly know

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"I've been searching for someone I hardly know....Yet..." she sighed softly as max ran next to her against the shoreline. They rested against a castle.

"His voice max..." she sighed.


Aaron looked to his legs with a wide smile. Shock from how well the plan worked out. Suddenly Aaron was interrogated by Scuttle.

"He has legs!" Sebastian glared.

"I knew that" scuttle smirked.

"Aaron has become a human! He has to make the princess remember him, fall in love with him, and kiss him." Flounder explained. Aaron tried to stand but fell time and time again. Sebastian began to freak out as Aaron tried to prepare for seeing the princess.

"Here you have to dress like a human!" Scuttle smiled.


"Max!" They all heard as they turned to the voice and the barking.

Aarons eyes widen as he turned. (Y/n) tried to keep up as she tripped a bit a few times but caught herself. Then she saw max barking at a man with red hair on a rock.

"Oh max!" (Y/n) frowned. Then she looked up to see the man with red hair. He fixed his hair as his eyes widen.

"Hello...Sorru about him..." (y/n) said softly. She smiled as she pet max and accidentally got really close to Aaron. "You look...familiar...." She spoke.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

Aaron nodded as she smiled. His hands grabbed hers as max cuddled against
(y/n)'s leg.

"W-We have!" (Y/n) smiled looking at his bright red hair. "What's your name..?" She asked. Only for no voice to come out. She frowned along with Aaron as they looked down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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