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    My eyes widen as I shot up from my spot on the bed. My head aches and my body felt weak. I look around to see Eric sleeping on a chair beside my bed and a maid just walking in. She gasped and rushed towards me.

"Miss! Your awake!" She said with joy as Eric jumped awake.

"What happened?" I asked. Everyone looked to me.

"All that matters is that your safe." Eric sighed as he stood.


A part of your world

    Beautiful red hair, bright blue eyes, and gorgeous clear skin. The boy I once knew is now a gorgeous merman. He is now back, but did I lose him again?


"W-Where is he?!" I asked in a frown. My eyes wide as I gripped onto my brothers arms. My hair is now a mess, bags under my eyes, my skin pale compared to its usual True Tone, and my night dress moving with my harsh movements.

"Who?! (Y/n) who did you see?" Eric asked with concern.

"Brother. The man that saved me. You had to have seen his face, or anything." I begged. He shook his head slightly in shock.

"No...There was no man."

"No. You had to have seen his face. Search for that face for me. Find him." I pushed him. He was too strong though, and he stayed in place. I felt all my energy run out and I felt broken.

    I should have stayed up longer. I should have told him not to go. That we could find an elixir to help him or a spell that would work. Something to keep him with me. I don't want to lose him again. I can't.


     The princess passed out in her brothers arms and they rested her in her bed. Eric glared as he tried his hardest to remember the man she spoke of but he didn't.

"Prepare a boat. We are going to search for this man."

"But sire we don't-"

"I will not take anything for debate. You saw her, and you all in this room are not to speak a word of her condition." Eric said before he walked out of the room.


     Servants watched as the princess walked around with an empty look in her eyes. Looking around as if she was longing for something.

    (Y/n) didn't know how to reach him, search for him, or anything. Yet she wanted only him. She wanted him here with her now. She wanted to have conversations again, she wanted to hear his laugh once more, or anything at this point.

"Miss you must eat..." the maid told her.

"I will...It's just I'm not hungry right now..Excuse me" she said softly and walked away. She had walked towards the ocean where she was found as the wind blew.

Feeling the way it caressed her skin and brushed through her dress. She frowned and sat against the sand and looked to the view ahead. Her frown was finally shown as she looked ahead hopelessly.

She knew how to sail and how to find people. This was different though. This was different because he was underwater and she knew that. She knew that once he decided to go under those depths she wouldn't find him. No one would.

It was up to him if he wanted to be found or come to the surface once again. If he wanted them to be together as she did.

"Look at her" Eric frowned with Grimsby by his side.

"I've never seen someone so in love with a hallucination." Grim frowned in pity.

"What if he wasn't? What if he truly exsists?" The prince said. "We know the princess and she would never act this way over any man, let alone a hallucination of one." Eric glared in confusion.

"Then...?" Grim asked.

"Then were going to search for him." Eric said.

"Get the men to make a map of locations to check. Then alert ships. We won't go far, because this guy probably can't go far. So make sure we just go to locals" Eric explained.

"All of this for the princess?" Grim asked. Confused on the princes dedication.

"No. All of this for my sister. Now no more questions and we're gunna find this man." The ebony haired man said. Then they walked to prepare for the search.

       (Y/n) walked down the corridors as she hummed the tune he heard the man sing. Aswell as other tunes he sang when he was a boy. Then Eric rushed in with a man by his side.

"Sister! I have found the man compared to the drawing you showed!" Her brother rushed in with a smile.

     (Y/n) looked up in shock before seeing a man with black hair, green eyes, darker skin, and a lanky body. She stared ahead as she felt pity. She walked up with a sad smile.

" your a handsome fellow, but your not the man I'm looking for. I apologize for the inconvenience to the both of you." She said softly as she held the hands of the men.

"Sorry about the false hope." The unknown man said as he was escorted out.

"Sorry about that (y/n)" Eric sighed with a frown.

"Don't be. I appreciate the thought behind your adventure for finding my hopeless romance. But don't worry about me. I'm sure with time this will all go away and I'll move on." She said. He frowned to her before she  turned and walked away.

    He wished he knew this man and knew where to find him. He wished he knew what to do to find his sister's savior. Although he didn't know that no one would be able to find him.

    He was in basically another world, and she knew that. They were the only ones who knew that, yet they didn't know that fate would turn just for them. Maybe almost in the worst way...

"What a pretty girl..."


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